You completely missed the context of my point. I was responding to a comment about a kid transferring out of Vandy in which the poster found it unusual because of their program culture. I was pointing out that you can have the culture right and kids will still leave for a variety of reasons. Much like this isn’t Pop Warner, the post wasn’t elementary language arts. Next time please read for context.
I thought the vandy coach was the one that built his team by not emphasizing team/school pride. Basically he said kids come in, develop then transfer so stop wasting time and resources and just cut to the chase. Get what you can out of recruits and then use the portal since everyone is becoming mercenaries. My understanding anyway.
No, I completely got it. Regardless of the story at Vandy, our transfers have nothing to do with good culture or bad culture, it has to do with expected playing time. We dont have the retention problems that Vandy will have. We gave way too many players playing time who didn't earn it, and at the end of the season that was reined in, and we performed much better on defense. We are losing those who will not get pt and. NIL. Your post was perfectly fine, and I don't have a reading problem, maybe just a communication problem.
Nonsense. The team grew up, gained confidence, and took responsibility. No need for escape goat that's weak.
Attrition ALWAYS happens. Even before the portal the rule of thumb was to expect 10 guys to leave every year. Now with the portal, it's crazy. The qusetion is, who's leaving and for what reason(s). I just mentioned this in another thread. CBN lost starters the last two years. This year it's depth guys looking for PT and walk-ons, which is to be expected. An exemple is UK losing their top two WRs, thats an issue. UF losing two young OL who have been passed by younger guys on the two deep is to be expected.
When I was in the corporate world, I never hopped around and it cost me a lot of money. Had friends and associates that far surpassed me in title and salary because they did. Everything being equal, we all want to be paid what the market allows without having to jump ship.
Facts are facts. Boone and Douglas were starting. By the end of the year they were getting a couple reps per game. That's not scapegoating. You are implicating the coaches as scapegoating if you say that's a bad thing.
But, FSU is cheering. They got their checkbook out trying to sign every player that leaves those two schools.