That’s how it works according to Pubs so we’re going with it. Also, Trump left office with less jobs created than when he entered so he sucks balls at creating new jobs and yet the MAGAts think he’ll wave his magic wand and everything will go back to normal (and don’t blame this on Covid. He was doing a piss poor job at it before the pandemic). Lmfao.
Natives don't want to go to where jobs are or do the manual they are mostly qualified for. Tough problem, not a gubmnt fix.
Demographic shift. We have had no growth in native born workers and the unemployment levels are lower now. If we didn’t have immigration we’d be screwed. Unemployment Rate - Native Born | FRED | St. Louis Fed
A lot of myths busted this month. 227k jobs added in the last month. BLS attributes a large increase of 32k workers in transportation to the strike (which helped lower the number in October). And the adjustments for October and September were....up. October adjusted upward to 32k. September adjusted upward to 255k from 233k. Employment Situation Summary - 2024 M11 Results
When the economy plummets under Trump, like it always does under Republicans, they will say it is because Trump cant run again. It is a cult.
The unemployment rate is actually lower among native born Americans than among foreign born Americans. Unemployment Rate - Foreign Born -4.5% Unemployment Rate - Native Born - 3.9% The reason that employment is lower among foreign born Americans than among native born Americans is because a number of native born Americans have left the workforce probably as the result of retirement.
The DC cesspool of bureaucracy needs to be bull-DOGED to the ground and reset... with less than half the pencil pushers.
Keep in mind that includes all government jobs with the majority of the growth being in state and especially local government jobs like teachers and police officers. Federal employment has been almost constant with very little growth and just reminder that FEMA disaster relief workers as well as the ICE and Border Patrol agents responsible for Trump's massive deportation and increased border security are federal employees.
If 227k jobs were added why did employment drop by 355k? "In the last year, nonfarm payrolls are up by 2.3 million while employment is down by 725,000 and full-time employment is down by over 1.3 million." New jobs have been going mostly to the government and Healthcare segments of the economy to handle the flood of illegals. Don't these numbers seem a little fishy? Employment Drops by 355,000 But Jobs Rise by 227,000 in November – MishTalk
"Among the presidents from Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump, Bill Clinton created the most jobs at 18.6 million," while Ronald Reagan had the largest cumulative percentage increase in jobs at 15.6%." Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia