Presidential Greatness Project “But while Republican academics did not rank Trump last, they did not view him favorably, either, placing him 41st. Biden, meanwhile, was farther down their list — 30th — but he still fared better than Trump.” Biden 14th in scholars' presidential rankings, Trump last
From the article…..”There's always a recency bias and as Joe Biden is the incumbent, he starts off at disadvantage”
“The 10 Worst U.S. Presidents Not all U.S. presidents are missed once they leave the White House.”
This is a big honor. Up there with his last honor: The Time Trump Claimed He Won a Fake ‘Man of the Year’ Award
Biden ahead of Ronald Reagan??? Yeah thats legit. Tip O'Neal is even laughing from the grave at that one. Did the same group rank Santa as the 28th best Christmas elf and Tebow is the 14th best Gators football player while ranking Flint, Michigan the nations top city? These rankings are dumb. A president is ranked by what the citizens think, not some "presidential scholars" sitting in a university dept somewhere. If the people elect a guy, they likely don't think he is the "worst".
Yes, of course. The most patriotic man in the history of the world. Nobody is more patriotic than him. Just ask him.
Final approval ratings matter way more. Biden is on the verge of the lowest (if he is lucky 2nd lowest) in 80 years. (Reagan was 2nd highest, Willy Jeff was 1st) The peoples opinion is all that ultimately matters.
Another one from a few years back. Sorry, Dear Leader is just awful. “Trump landed in last place for both moral authority and administrative skills.”
I'm not arguing for Trump. I'm arguing against Biden's rank. Reagan and Clinton finished tied for the lowest disapproval rating and 1 and 2 for highest approval in the last 80 years, yet this clown posse puts Biden ahead of Reagan? Cmon. Any list that had Biden in the top 75th percentile is a joke
One more. This one is quite comprehensive in categories. (Spoiler- Trump is bad) US Presidents Study Historical Rankings – Siena College Research Institute
Very interesting. Funny to see what the top ones were weak on. Lincoln it was education and luck.... FDR it was... integrity . Trump's top score was being #16 on... luck. lol
Reagan was a shit President. A man whose legacy rests upon fortunate timing and Jimmy Carter's willingness to do the right thing at the cost of his own personal ambitions.
Btw, a good chance Dear Leader could get Time’s Person of The Year. As Time says “ the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse”. Hard to argue, maybe Putin? Swift was another potential. Donald Trump favorite to be named Time Person of the Year
In related news, iconic and balanced NEWSMAX provides Donald with the “Most Physically fit President” and, more importantly, “Least Likely to Sexually Abuse an Adult Woman.”