I never believed him when he said he wouldn't. Those that actually believed him that he wouldn't. What can I say?
Imagine how many more pardons are coming. Must be a long list of Biden administration officials that are worried. John Brennan.I Obama officials. Everyone involved in RussiaGate and UkraineGate., neocon warmongers, sex traffickers, drug criminals. Robert Barnes video below:
Sorry. Maybe if the dems were focused on Tiffany or Barron... but being fixated on the actual politician makes some sense pal.
Listen Mr. Uptight, I loved the meme, both sides are fixated on each “crime” family. Hunter broke the law and so his lordship, both sides want blood. I’m just sick of both with the tit for tat shit. Much like this board is tit for tat, nothing really accomplished. Can’t see the forest kinda analogy.
I havent seen Trump family members dragged anywhere. Have you? Kushner's $2B hasnt been dragged into congress as far as I know. Trump's crime family is only himself. Biden's crime family is everyone but himself.
Judge in Hunter Biden tax case calls president's pardon statement an attempt to 'rewrite history' hmmm
Trump appointee judge...obviously doesn't understand the ethics of his office. Yet you believe Trump, that's the truly pathetic part.
Nah. No "both sides." Joe Biden's kid committing tax violations, or a mistake in registering a firearm is nowhere near the same as..... .......Trump enacting a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. Nowhere near the same thing. Trump committed the most un-American acts -crimes- from a politician since the Civil War. Both sides are not the same.
You don’t think Democrats are going to investigate Kushner if they retake the House or Senate in ‘26? You and other posters on here have all stated that you think there is something illegal about Kushner’s Hedge Fund getting funding from the Saudis. If that doesn’t happen, I will be happily surprised as one side has to be the first to lay down their arms on this front. I’m just not sure that happens here.
Awesome new strategy. Do whatever the hell you want, the potus will pardon errrybody on the way out the door.
I don't know whether Kushner's obvious payoff from Saudi Arabia was actually illegal but there is no question that it was grossly unethical. While the same applies to the gratuities that Hunter received from a Chinese businessman or his position on the board of Burisma unlike Jared Kushner Hunter Biden never actually held a high level position within the government and although Republican politicians and the right-wing media have spent years to find one there has never been any substantive evidence that he influenced his father in any way with respect to policy.
Again, what was Kushner paid off for? This is the the thing that no one can seem to answer. What services did Hunter provide for his clients? If it was the just the appearance of influence with his father, I'll accept that. However, the return admission is that at some point, his client would stop employing him after he could not deliver on getting an outcome from Biden that they wanted.
Not a new strategy: "President Donald Trump, in his push to make good on his promise to supporters by Election Day, has told officials he will pardon them should they break any laws in attempting to finish construction on the wall at the US-Mexico border, The Washington Post reported, citing current and former officials involved with the project." https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/28/politics/trump-border-wall-election-day/index.html These fine citizens all say, "Hi." Pardons Granted by President Donald J. Trump (2017-2021) And these.: Everyone Donald Trump has said he might pardon
Yes, Trump grants Pardons. However, Biden won't grant pardons. He has "respect for the American judicial system and rule of law over his own personal concerns."
Have you ever changed your mind about anything? Biden has demonstrated far more respect for the rule of law than Trump has ever pretended to.
OMG, the endless hypocrisy. You still cling to the high moral ground after biden lied about not pardoning little biden for a year. That's the democratic party in a nutshell.