Funny that you say that . Saturday I knocked one in from about 125 but it was a recovery shot from a fairway bunker. I thought it was a pretty goon approach so I kind of went to the cart and my partner said the “blank” ball rolled in the whole . Unfortunately just for a bird and not an eagle
jcmiller910.............10.5 exiledgator.............10.0 GatorLurker............7.5 beechgator.............6.5 wingtee.................6.0 SmootyGator..........5.5 Singaporegator.......5.5 BTEGator................5.5 firegator.................5.5 jeffphillips21...........5.5 gatordavisl.............5.0 Bazza....................4.5 audiogatorjim.........4.0 fox........................4.0 gatormonk.............4.0 wa_gatorfan...........3.5 GratefulGator..........3.5 bullish....................3.0 Gatorhead..............3.0 thenazz..................3.0 gatortenor37..........3.0 bperkins10.............3.0 bigDgator...............2.5 ApexNC.................2.5 gogators73............2.0 pigpen...................2.0 tampajack1............1.5 JaxLizard......,.........1.5 gulfgator................1.5 tommyvee..............1.0 g8tr80...................1.0 bogator..................1.0 bturner623.............0.5 amerika.................0.5 murphree_hall........0.5 GatorJV..................0.5 GatorLegend...........0.5 gatorntuscaloosa.....0.5 filamg8torfan..........0.5 trojanscott90..........0.5
The Hall of Victory USF...................wingtee, exiled (11) Jacksonville........exiled (7) Grambling..........SmootyGator, jcmiller910 (4) at FSU...............Singaporegator, Bazza (3) FL A&M..............GatorLurker (6) S Illinois............jcmiller910 (2) Wake.................Gatorhead (13) Wichita St...........beechgator (17) Virginia..............wingtee (2) AZ St UNC UNF Stetson at UK TN at Ark MZ TX at SC GA at TN Van at Aub at Miss St SC OK at LSU at GA TX A&M at AL MS
After a quarter century sober, I could definitely use a beer ... but that ain't happening. Make that "California" sober and pass the gummies.