I think it is true that people are broadly angry. America is a shitty place for many people and has been for a long time. But the anger is incoherent and can be channeled in different directions by anyone willing to do so. The Republicans have, but they are also the establishment now. They will catch the blame as things dont magically become better through elections.
If prior examples of said government types are any indication, “the masses” either really thought that the billionaires would fight other billionaires by costing all billionaires money to help them or…. ….humans are just largely uninformed or enjoy having their spots eaten.
Crazy that one shooter was more effective at scaring insurance companies than any recent act of congress. Fear works. It would be nice if the fear was not from gunpoint. Anthem backs down from decision to cap anesthesia coverage in Connecticut, official says
I feel like there is a loose (or not) connection between people's attitudes on this (snark toward the victim, cheering it on) and the election of Trump. Again, no . . . .'s to give.
Interesting - in the sense almost all of those guys make more in 1 day than i did in a year. They must work 365 times as hard as i did. Also interesting that high CEO compensation was not tightly correlated with denial rate that @Bazza posted.
Yeah, Kamala made a stupid move by not distancing herself from Biden, she could have thrown him under the bus. People would have liked that. But I assume whatever deal she cut to be the candidate foreclosed that, but if you dont have that dog in you to reneg when you grabbed the bag, you arent cut out for politics.
It's the problem with D's. You have to please everyone from the purple-haired trans activist to Larry Fink. Good luck with that. Try to please everyone. Please no one. D's to a tee.
Those numbers make zero sense unless many of them only worked part of a year. The per day calculations look funny.
The leadership doesnt care about any of that shit, especially activists. That's probably their problem. They ran a campaign that was a consultants dream. Safe, and not about anything. They mainly just listen to their consultants (who are always chasing an imaginary disaffected Republican who believes in imaginary norms), and she hired Biden's people who thought they knew everything because they beat Trump during Covid. So I'm guessing they werent going to advise her to criticize Biden more or break from any of his policies on anything substantial. Their best attack was calling Republicans "weird" and they advised them to stop, to appease the imaginary centrist voter they were chasing.
Just felt like it may illustrate (not justify) how someone could be driven to murder when people are getting denied of critical needs by people who make this kind of income per day
I should have vetted them. I don't normally post stuff without fact checking them. Not saying they are accurate or not at this point but no, I didn't vett them yet.
I dont know about health insurance, but auto and property insurance CEOs used to be on the bottom end of compensation compared to other large corporations, but that has probably changed too (particularly when those companies dipped into banking and financial products post Glass-Steagall repeal).
“Democrats fall in love.” “Republicans fall in line.” The old adage rings true and Democrats’ tendency to infighting was a hilarious way I used to work when I volunteered for GOP races in a past life. When I tried to explain this to the Other Side, after I turncoated, it wasn’t met positively. I’ve found a lot of Democratic positions are popular, but the damn group of snooty bastards can’t message out of a paper bag.
I dont know, this seems to be the opposite now. Republicans love Trump, Democrats always tell you to "vote Blue no matter who" because the other person is worse.