Love the up and unders, drop steps, reverses, etc. He's got length, but not quite as long as McHale. McHale also had those really broad shoulders to go with that length and footwork. On the flip side, Condo is proving to be a true stretch 4/5 with his 3pt% and is starting to face the basket a bit more
Condon is a raw talent who improved as the season went along last year and is even better this year as he develops more skills and gains confidence. He, also, seems to have leanred to play aggressively without fouling as much as last year, keeping him on the court for longer periods of time. Love the guy.
Congrats, y’all were just too good. Seems like you have experience, depth, and aggressiveness at each position. I predict sweet 16 and maybe elite finish if you get the right matchup in the S16 game.
Aberdeen kept us in the game with 10 1st-half points then 2nd half adjustments & Condon took over the game at the end.
Is it me, or does Elijah Martin has the longest arms on a 6’2” guard that I have ever seen. He drives to the basket very quick and you can’t stop him, he is either going to score or you have to knock him down. Good luck knocking him down because you are a target that has to be dealt with. “Don’t poke the Bear!”
Thanks uva. It’s been some years since we’ve had a real contender, so this team is very tantalizing right now. I am sure you can appreciate how quickly a program’s prospects can change for the worse, but hopefully both our teams can get their mojo back.
Yeah, if Chinyelu continues to improve over the course of the season, that will be a helluva front line.
Clayton is just under 50% from the field, just under 40% from 3 and 90% at the FT line……KEEP SHOOTING IT WALTER!
Thanks everyone for the great comments. I've enjoyed the parallels and comparisons. I would like to add, as Clayton and Condo took over the game, the UVA players seem to give in to the inevitable early in the second half. Any time they made a short run, we would answer immediately with a longer run ourselves. You could see it in the Cavs effort that continued to wane each time down the court. As our spacing got wider, the harder it was for them to defend and the picks became more effective that opened up the floor for easy baskets. As a side, I want to credit Denzel with his improved play the last few games. I was critical of him before about not passing the ball. He clearly has stepped up and gotten rid of it to keep the offense flowing. Plus he getting rewarded with open looks and knocking down shots as the offense flows back to him. He is much better at shooting in the corners and on the wings with any catch and shoot opportunities. Next up is ASU and UNC. I think we handle ASU and hope for our best verses UNC. ASU has played close games no matter who they play except their last game beating San Diego 90 to 53. They finished close at Gonzaga so expect a Gator win near to our average of a 13 point win in Atlanta. UNC, now that's a whole other team having to face them in Charlotte. More to come after we get past ASU.
The SEC is crazy talented this year and is much deeper than I can ever remember. I think it will be a lot like this year's football season where we just beat up on each other. It will be interesting to see how many losses the regular season champ will have and how the Gators stack up once we get in the SEC schedule.
My guess is 4 or 5 losses. Furthermore Duke will sail through a crappy ACC and with the quality win over Auburn will get a #1 seed and maybe the overall #1 seed only to be bounced out well before the Final Four.
Your right if course, except they actually look really good. If Flagg matures through the season (his game is already more like that of a senior than that of a friggin 17 year old) they're gonna be really tough. I hate Duke but the hype looks legit.