Don’t worry, we will definitely cool off. But I think our boys were stung by the talk of a 20 point blowout. I still think y’all rally late and take it at home, you have upperclassmen and we’re mostly sophomores and frosh. But you will sweat for this one
Aberdeen just does nothing with the ball on that possession besides not lose his man and attempt a fadeaway long 2. Basically the extreme definition of inefficient basketball.
Playing like hot garbage and only down 4 somehow, so that bodes well for the game. Starting to pick up the D a little. Gotta keep it up and get some easy buckets. And calm down! Guys are acting like this Duke or something.
Things are gonna be a bit more uncomfortable from here on out. Gotta pump the brakes on our first few games out of the block
Yeah we’re toast without him. What our substitute, duke transfer Power lacks in offensive aggressiveness he makes up for in defensive lethargy.
Why has Will's 3 point shooting gotten worse year after year? Now I'm not wanting him to shoot where before it was "shoot it!"