The gym I used to go to had several tvs on a wall with cardio equipment facing them and you could plug your headphones into a box mounted in the equipment and select which tv video you wanted to here. It was entertaining to see 2 channels with the same topic and completely different spins on them.
I had a similar setup at the gym, when I'd go at night. Fox and CNN side-by-side in front of the cardio machines. No MSNBC. No headphones, so I had to go by closed captions and headlines. The difference was striking, of course. It was during Trump's administration and CNN was clearly focused on the latest outrage that he said. But it also covered the news of the day. Fox headlines were constantly "THE HYSTERICAL LEFT!!!" kind of silliness. Like I said, no MSNBC
It is the truth. The addle-brained, diaper loading old coot self-destructed. And that is undeniably the best Biden ever.
Interesting how much older audiences are now for fox, cnn, etc. and we didn’t hear anything about punditry tv or cable “news” like we did in 2016.
Since you admit that problem may have been MSNBC's obsession with the 2024 election you should also realize that's rather difficult to discuss the election without mentioning the guy with the Orange complexion who won albeit by a 1.6% margin or what his supporters call a landslide.
Sure. Because life - and the world in general - is just that simple and binary. Whew! I feel so much better now!
While neither is remotely objective only one has a business plan that relies on outright lies and apparently considers huge settlements in defamation cases an acceptable cost of doing business.
Fox News surges while 2 of the biggest lib networks flounder CNN, MSNBC Nosedive as Fox News Surges After Trump Victory