Right. Now, to keep it even simpler, I prefer to compare it to the Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896. But any of them will work. After all, doesn't have to be 1:1 exact, like you said.
No other point in history matches up as well. I've even thought hard about other ones to use for comparison's sake, but just can't find any. Face it, most comparable period in history for right now, IMO, 1932-36. It's felt that way for a few years. Too bad children like you and your leftist opponents had to cry Nazi all the time and ruin a good comp.
LMAO @ the butt hurt from the war pigs in this thread! A little more spittle fellas... your froth isn't quite penetrating this side of the monitor!
Tread carefully y'all...the keyboard cowboys in here are packing some serious heat. Like big and nasty words, n all! It's a real firefight in here! RamboChem, Chuck Chevy chase Norris ... all kinds a Billy badasses going nuts! Lol!
Asinine. We are talking about modern militaries, with the aggressor nation being a military superpower, and the defending nation, well, capable of defending itself against said superpower with some help from allies. Hmmm . . . where have I heard the term "Allies" before? Oh, yeah, WWII! Obviously, Zulu wars and similar minor conflicts don't make the cut.
Keep scrubbing with your MADD detergent, and you might just get the stain of ignorance out of your posts.
Rambo!!! Rat tat tat tat tat tat tat.... Bad ass bra! You're GI Joe! The grest American Hero! Where would any of us be without your enlightened brilliance and inimitable courage!
I believe it. That’s why fighting to a strategic defeat of Russia is so important. China is watching. If you don’t want to be in a real shooting war with China in the next five years, in which thousands of Americans will die whether we win or lose, then deterrence via making an example of Russia is the right answer.
You have people on this board who deny the staggeringly high casualties being suffered by Russia. Why is it such a surprise that Kim Jong Un would believe (at first) the official Russian count? But KJU’s generals can’t lie to Fat Leader about his own casualties. That’s a sure-fire (pun intended) way to get strapped to an anti-aircraft gun. I guess if you’re a Russian casualty denier at this point, you have to tell yourself that the NK contingent is suffering a disproportionate number of fatalities for some strange reason.
Narrative shifting from “LOL Russia getting its ass kicked” to “Well, took ‘em long enough” … Visualizing Ukraine's Collapsing Front Lines Amid The Steady Russian Onslaught | ZeroHedge
Infantile, the hyper-focus on Putin manifested in “Putin this” and “Putin that.” It’s Russia. Like Biden determines the course of the US all by himself absent the input of hundreds …