I think its a pretty tried and true tactic not confined to anyone. The "honeypot" is a cliche scam or sting operation. Its more notable when used by rich and powerful people against each other, but the hooker working a guy for car payments because she can send a video to his wife probably doesnt get much media attention.
no. KSA has to be kept in the orbit but butchering of US citizens lured into a trap seems something that shouldn't just be ignored.
So would you describe using KSA Sovereign Wealth funds to invest in Israel as "keeping KSA in the orbit"?
Maybe. Maybe not. But once the American people sent the message that there is no political price to pay for this sort of behavior, it became inevitable that he would.
Maybe the distinction doesnt matter, but I dont think the blanket pardon would have happened. Would he have had the sentence commuted if he was found guilty of something? That seems more likely. No real risk of a future administration going back to Hunter crimes after 4-8 more years of Joe or Kamala. Do those details matter to anyone that isnt a lawyer or nerd? Probably not, it still looks the same.
KSA paying Kushner massive management fees for no gains in investment would be called a bribe to potus son-in-law. One can have a relationship without it being an incestous one should they be allowed to plan and carry out the murder US citizens they don't like with impunity
Even more amusing is that he repeatedly confuses Trump with conservatives. Neither Trump nor his agenda is "conservative ".
"Liberals" and "Conservatives" are responsible for legislating some of the most egregiously abused criminal laws in this "free" country. A pox on both your houses.
I'm not going to fight with the self-proclaimed conservatives as they claim that Trump is a conservative.
Don’t care. Do know that his case was prosecuted by Chris Christie, who said Kushner had committed "one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes" he had ever prosecuted. Review what Kushner (a disbarred lawyer despite his pardon) did and let me know if you’re comfortable with this sleazebag representing our country.
Love how lefties here take any criticism of their own, little or big and instantly do their damnedest to make it a thread about Trump. One would think they had learned their lesson from the election. Some introspection would be wise, but keep on losing Dems. Don't let me get in your way.
That's nice. “Mr. Kushner pled guilty (to 18 counts.) He admitted the crimes,” Christie told PBS last year as he promoted a book that blamed the younger Kushner for his firing from Trump’s transition team. “And so what am I supposed to do as a prosecutor? I mean, if a guy hires a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, and videotapes it, and then sends the videotape to his sister to attempt to intimidate her from testifying before a grand jury, do I really need any more justification than that?” He added: “I mean its one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes that I prosecuted when I was U.S. attorney. And I was U.S. attorney in New Jersey.” https://apnews.com/article/donald-t...ctions-crime-0155d15fa31108fd2c0e6360a3b597dd
LOL. Someone gave me a 'come on man'.... but they support nominating for ambassador a guy who hired a prostitute to blackmail his own brother-in-law. (and they voted for a guy who criminally tried to overturn an election.) The vileness they support has no bounds. Couldn't make this stuff up.