I am not soliciting donations, but this is ridiculous. Chickadees and kinglets flit about the canopies of 800 year-old Sitka Spruce. A mother grizzly bear ambles down the slope, two bouncing cubs in tow — today she will teach them to catch salmon in the nearby bay. Welcome to the Tongass National Forest. Spanning across southeast Alaska, the Tongass is the world's largest intact temperate rainforest — but it won't be for long if the logging companies get their way. 800 year-old trees are on the chopping block
Im no expert but if supporters don't push legislation, then the restrictions Biden put in via executive order that Trump threw out with executive order will be thrown out again. Alaska's Tongass National Forest logging restrictions reinstated : NPR Old growth logging was restricted to fire management by Biden although there is some clarity challenges apparently. Biden administration won’t ban logging in old-growth forests, but new plan still vexes industry | PBS News
Is there any question about what we should prepare to soon see? "Drill baby drill!! Cut everything down!! We're growing the greatest economy in American history!!! Herf, derf derf!!!" "Yay!! I love that makeup wearing orange guy!! 'Murica!!!"
While I wouldn't label you an environmentalist, you do have a strong appreciation for the importance of the rain forests and now these trees. Hopefully more gain that understanding.