Please provide examples. The only remotely frivolous prosecution of Trump was that conducted by Alvin Bragg the Manhattan DA and ironically the only one in which Trump was actually convicted. There was more than enough evidence to prosecute Trump both for his role in the January 6th attempted insurrection and for his behavior in intentionally concealing classified documents although I guess you probably believe that because he was a former president who decided to run for office again he should have absolute immunity from prosecution regardless of what he did.
To put and end to the nonsense. How many years have Comer Pyle and GYM Jordan been at this? How many millions of dollars have they wasted? How many times have they lied to the American people about all this "evidence" of wrongdoing and "credible" witnesses?
If you actually believe this then there is no point in arguing with you. You are brain washed. The Biden administration is all about lawfare. See the article below for examples. MSN
You need to go back and research this better. Key words/phrases to assist you: "spillage" "obstruction of justice."
The opinion piece does not substantively link the Biden Admin. (lawfare as poster wants to claim) to the cases vs Trump. If you actually believe that the felon did not posses, hide, lie to the FBI about, and retain top secret documents then there is no point in arguing with you. It's also inherently redundant to argue "lawfare" when the party is adjudicated guilty. Jean Carrol says hi. LOL
They used the justice system to prosecute a political advisary to disqualify them from running for president. That is lawfare and they failed.
The justice system was used to investigate and indict a former president who blatantly violated the law. Whether you're willing to admit it or not you implicitly believe that a defeated former president who decides to run for the office again should be above the law. By the way if Mitch McConnell had the balls to push for the conviction of Donald Trump following his second impeachment would have been disqualified from running for office again. Ironically in deciding not to push for Trump's conviction in the Senate McConnell said that he could be prosecuted for violating the law through the normal criminal justice system. McConnell expected to vote to acquit Trump Ironically, McConnell turned out to be incorrect. Trump's SCOTUS said that the president is immune from prosecution for criminal acts while in office.
The justice system was weponized against Trump beacuse of who he is and the office he was going to run for. They tried for 4 years and failed. I doubt that you read the examples I included in my link. MSN
If you believe that Trump is as innocent as the driven snow and that he has only been prosecuted for political reasons you are the one that has been brain washed. Virtually anyone else who knowingly stashed classified documents like this would be a resident of a secure federal facility against his/her will. Also note that Trump had the documents stashed after he assured a court that he had returned them.
It's what's in the boxes that matter. Anyone else did this there's a very good chance that he would not be walking free. Whether you're willing to admit it or not you believe that Trump should not be subject to the same legal constraints as every other American. It's good to be King in which case you're above the law. Donald Trump stored, showed off and refused to return classified documents, indictment says
Didn't they find confidential information at Biden's house too? Do you have any pictures of that? How about Hillary's computer. You don't even know what is in those boxes. It just kills you that he is going to be your president for the next 4 years. The crying will continue.
Yes they did, and Biden cooperated. Same with Pence. Trump on the other hand obstructed and refused to turn the documents over. That is why Trump was charged and Biden and Pence weren't.