And interestingly the residents of NY, NJ, MA, CT and NH all pay more in taxes to the Federal government than they receive in benefits. Same for California. Although there are exceptions the "red states" that were responsible for Trump's election tend to be net recipients of federal spending. Balance of Payments Portal | Rockefeller Institute of Government
Cali has the fifth largest economy in the world. They are the most important state to government revenue. Careful what you wish for
Makes sense. Half us can join Canada and the rest can join Russia. Everyone’s happy. Watch out for those high story windows!
... and somehow this is different than Texas talking about leaving the union to double down on being red?
To think - I made a "what if" thread talking about a peaceful split and got called every name under the book. Shockingly enough it was mostly liberals and pre-Trump winning. I'd be willing to bet it isn't such a bad idea to a lot of them now.
It surprises me that anyone would take the proposal seriously enough to start a thread considering that the issue of whether states could secede from the union was laid to rest during the period from 1861 through 1865.
Well posts #3,4,& 5 were rather quick to jump to say well all the states mentioned pay huge taxes as if the red states couldn't survive if the blue states left.
Pretty big difference between pointing out that the Blue States financially support Red States (which is factual) with supporting secession, don't you think?
Back during the summer I created the thread Trump Wins The Election. Democracy Hangs By A Thread. What Should We Do? It was not taken well by the board with some saying I was trolling. Since then there have been multiple assassination attempts on Trump. Now there are also politicians calling for secession. People thought I was trolling and I could not be serious, but here we are with one of the options being proposed.
In any honest analysis, you would have to count DC. It's fully financed by 50 states which are all significantly redder, and who, as a whole, always put in less than they get back in Federal spending.
Good. They can all afford the walls Trump would make them build. In all seriousness though. People are already fleeing some states. This would create a mass exodus and crush their economies if they had to stand on their own.