You get what you give. It is disrepectful to come to the Swamp and break out the gator head,dig up pieces of our field, and taunt us with the gator chomp (NorveLLLLLLLLLLL). They have been doing this crap for decades. Don't act like a butt hurt bitch when you get it back after a curb stomping at Ron Zook Field. If you had that much fight in your sorry asses you should have put that effort into the game. You would think that these losers would be good at losing after doing it 10 times! Napier should have slapped NorveLLLLLLLLLL like the bitch he is!
I believe those were SEC officials. Somehow we ended up with road officials again. That never should have occurred after the Swindle.
The crowd in the swamp at next year's game should chant " twoooooooo and tennnnn, twooooooo and tennnnnnn"
I heard our players were just trying to be helpful by marking where their mascot had damaged the turf with its feathered stick. Seems odd that the conversation is more about the 18 year old player acting like a teenager than the adult on the other side acting like a toddler. The truth is, NorveLLLLLLLLLL has exposed his emotional intelligence for the world to see. If he thinks recruiting against us is hard now, wait until he has to start explaining how he is going to raise proper men when he himself isn’t capable of handling emotions like an adult. Hell, Willie Taggart calmly addressed a flag planting like a parent. Those worried about how this reflects on us are missing the big picture. Gators are on the rise under mature leadership, the holes are headed into a deep one with a child at the head of the organization. As a Gator raised in Tally, I loathe everything about that program and will smile watching Nero, I mean NorveLLLLLLLLLL burn it all down. Great win, great flag planting, GO GATORS!!!!
I wonder what has changed in our defensive strategy that suddenly we can get to the QB so regularly? Seems a little adjustment on the run game defense is in order. Nonetheless, the defense is exciting to watch. Nice adjustments at the end of the season. Always fun the beat the Noles. I'm calling it early here: Gators take down the Bulldogs next year. Rashada might be their QB too. Interesting. I hope everyone plays the bowl game and we dominate whoever the heck we play! Go Gators
Our last two games were in the Swamp Even though their team sucks, the home field probably had some effect, especially on our offense.
When is the last time you remember a team not having one single penalty? Particularly a bad/incompetent team.
If you punch teams in the mouth, why bother to plant a flag, start a fight, invite retribution and provide more incentive to the other team?
Hmmm, payback that was deserved. Let them do whatever they care to do but they have to beat us first.
As much as I hate to admit it I respectfully disagree. Norve10 is a good leader for his young men and leadership has to mean something these days. As such Im hoping they call him in this offseason and give him another 4 year extension on top of last years extension. It is just the right thing to do.
The whole thing is like two five year olds fighting over a toy. On the one hand we talk about just winning the game to shut the other team up then in the next sentence we whine about what they do when they win. Here's a thought for you. Just curb stomp the hell out of them every year and that will end the grass plugging and Gator head stuff. If they happen to win offer them a handshake and then head for the locker room. That's what men do. The rest is just juvenile crap.
How can F$U possibly afford to fire Norvell? They can barely afford to pay him to DO his job--how can they pay him to not do his job AND pay someone else to do it?