We had like 23 sacks or something They had 10 fumbles They are 2-LLLLLLLLLL Should have won by fitty.
What should not be lost by those upset about flag planting/removal and fights related thereto, is that these are kids. Except the one 50 year old making $10M who is ripping the flag up and throwing it on the ground. After refusing to shake hands. Sure the kids were on the edge but attention needs to focus on the adult in the room who was acting like a 17 year old punk. Norvellllllllll.
Probably the most encouraging thing about the DL was how many players we played. Banks started off the game on fire and then didn't play after the 1st quarter. Jackson was out for a while. Sapp and Pyburn were fine all game but rotated out a lot. All the guys behind them played a lot and kind of had a little swoon in the 2nd quarter but then really locked in.
I definitely agree. But, don't forget them parading the Gator head around our field whenever they beat us in Gainesville, though. Or, the times they tried to spear our logo. It's like the bean ball in baseball. Once it starts, it's hard to stop. I do expect Napier to pass out punishment though. Don't expect Gumbs to start the bowl game, for sure. Hopefully there are no league suspensions to serve with Michigan stirring up attention, too.
Billy will talk to them about the flag business. O-line will progress, reinforcements on the way. Play calling improves as O-line improves. I see no reason to panic. Trust the process.
55,000 reported attendance. Top bowl was roped off. Once things went sour and holes vacated, you could see Gators spread everywhere. If the true attendance was 55K, at least 15K of that were Gator fans. The rest may be flipping soon.
Blatant holdings in the open not called. Illegal receiver down field several times, once by 10 yards, was driving Shane crazy.
We had their refs in The Swamp last year and may people wondered why that is, when we had changed it back to home games home refs a while ago. But maybe we changed it back and got screwed agreeing to letting the ACC ref last year and this year. I don't know... but those refs looked semi-familiar to me. I don't know for sure, but we need to get back to home games getting the home refs.
Semi-familiar. That made me chuckle. I don't think I remember ever seeing a game where one team had zero penalties, especially in a game where you could call a hold on every offensive lineman on every play if you were so inclined.
Their mascot riding a horse planted a burning spear at midfield before the game. I thought penicillin was the cure for a burning spear.