and again as river said you are not allowed to put a mod on ignore- we will not see the post or who posted it only a blank space - about 5 years ago I put gatornana on ignore and learned a hard lesson with some time off
If you read my posts over the years you wouldn't insinuate such a thing. There have been many open-minded posts I have nonetheless disagreed with, but whose well reasoned opinions I respect. Bill, however is a one trick mule, a closed-minded ideologue. There are some on the left I view the same way.
No, I have a few posters on ignore and they see my posts. I could and probably should, put you on ignore and I won't see your posts but you will see mine.
trust me I believe I know how it works and I will not see your posts- however, don’t take my word, take rivers word- he knows how it works-
so I learned something- was told by an admin they changed the coding because it was affecting the google clicks so I can still see your posts- if you see this then obviously ignore no longer works
I think it has something to do with being a premium member or not. I think premium members can block others from seeing their posts. I can't do that. If I put you on ignore, you can still see my posts, I just can't see yours.
enjoy being a morally superior loser (politically) while suffering through 4 more years of Trump. I guess it’s worth sacrificing our democracy to be able to assert that biological sex is a social construct.
The problem is the dems hardly make this an issue at all. Definitely not in this campaign. The way the GOP goes after the trans issue is basically the equivalent to “they are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats”. They find their one example and then go after it as if it’s an issue millions are dealing with. With the swimmer at least they had a legit point about how lax that sports rules were, but then you see them move to the Algerian boxer where it’s far less obvious of a situation (on top of not even being an American). It’s fear mongering, plain and simple. It’s arguably not even an issue that should have federal govt involvement at all, other than protecting civil rights of individuals where some might attack them, possibly even perpetuating physical violence.
All of the mental gymnastics. Just admit the men competing in women's sports is nearly an impossible position to logically defend. Not much different than 6-week abortion bans with no exceptions. While I am sympathetic to the pro-life side of the argument, GOP are never going to win over very many people with 6-week bans and no exceptions and you're never going to win voters over attempting to make men competing in women's sports any less absurd than it is.
It is certainly detestable the way Republicans grandstand this issue, but it sticks for a reason. Both Democrats and republicans think trans rights are a big issue for democrats, collectively, even though individually for most Democrats it isn’t. It’s partly because Democrats are scared to have any equivocation on the issue at all because they will be called a bigot. It really is absurd this stupid issue occupies so much headspace among some voters, but nonetheless it does. Practically it is an irrelevant issue, but the optics of a six foot tall male swimming against women, seeing what seems like a male beating the shit out of female boxers, and discussion of giving sex change operations to illegal alien prisoners - these things are so optically absurd that they are hard to ignore, even though they have no practical impact on 99%+ of the population.
No, there clearly is a perception gap, and you're the case study. It's hilarious that the OP made you mad.