He selected a felon for the position of Ambassador to France. I wonder what their connection is that would make Trump overlook his history of tax evasion and campaign finance violations, not to mention the time that he hired a prostitute to pursue his brother-in-law/key witness against him and sent the video to his sister to try to keep him from talking. Trump nominates Charles Kushner as US Ambassador to France
From career government blood suckers to outside thieves and connivers just a different version of the shake down. Why not?
Ambassadors to France and some other plum assignments have typically been big donors but big donors of good character.
Indeed. And what a foul, amoral choice it is. Here's the guy Trump selected to be a US ambassador, LOL; Kushner hired a prostitute to lure Schulder into having sex in a motel as a hidden camera rolled. A tape of the encounter was then sent to Kushner’s sister and Schulder’s wife. Ultimately, the intimidation stunt failed, and the woman turned on Kushner. https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/30/politics/charles-kushner-france-ambassador-trump/index.html
Do you support it? How do you think it makes USA look to our allies? You know, the ones we need to oppose Russia and China
Good pick. I love that America is getting a bunch of rejects as its governing and representative class. Trump supporters crack me up.
A felon nominating a felon. Who would have thought? I would also add that under the Constitution the President's appointments for ambassadorships like his appointments for cabinet positions must be confirmed by the Senate. Normally the confirmation of ambassadors is proforma with the Senate confirming virtually every one of a president's appointments. Considering that this is the first time a felon has been nominated it could also be one of the very rare occasions and possibly the only occasion in which the Senate refuses to a confirm a presidential selection for an ambassadorship.