I noticed that doesn't answer the question. It is probably because you voted for a candidate that can easily be described with all of those adjectives. You stated that "only one of us" voted for a candidate who was "promiscuous, slimy, and incompetent." It appears that you are that one.
Actually, I am not. By you own admission, only one of us did. You just admitted that is you! I made no such admission.
Given trump’s complete lack of integrity, i do not understand the fascination with this brief relationship Harris had in the mid-90s with a man that had been separated from his wife for ten years. You say “slept her way to the top”. As speaker, Willie Brown (the BF) appointed Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission. Woo-hoo the top baby. The VERY top.
You did. You typed it all out but you will never make any such admission. It’s what makes you such a special poster. Like having a discussion with my 4 year old.
In that your four year old regularly beats you in debates? I'd buy that. And no, I didn't type out any admission. I posted what I typed.
It was a big step at that time. And it likely shows that she was driven so much that she’d sleep with a dude 30 years older. It’s actually kind of gross.
Well allow me to break the news to you…unless you didn’t vote…you voted for an incompetent HO. Good for you.
I agree - many political dynasties have been launched from the towering heights of the (what was it again? Oh yeah) The California Medical Assistance Board.
And yet, your first post was that only one of you did vote for somebody who was a "scumbag." Logically, that means either you were saying that the poster that you were addressing didn't or you didn't.
Once again the difference in the election was the economy specifically inflation. The rationale of the swing voters responsible for Trump's election was that prices were much lower in 2020 than they were in 2024, Biden was the president during the inflationary period therefore the inflation was Joe Biden's fault and that Trump handled the economy much better. While a majority of Trump's voters may have agreed with him on other issues there weren't enough of them to swing the election. As James Carville once said (changing the tense) "it was the economy, stupid". Ironically in making his prediction this time Carville ignored his own truism from 22 years ago.
On 1/6/21 eccentrics and goofs swarmed the Temple of Thieves and Whores, took selfies with Capitol guards, then went home when the cops told them to. Darkest day in American history.
I would have preferred the officer pull her through the door by her hair slam her to the ground and cuff her but lets not pretend, for political purposes, there was no reason to protect members of Congress just behind the officer and the VP from a mob that according to their own words they wanted to kill.