Who are you guys? I gagged and voted for Kamala. Don’t like Trump either. Yep, I voted for a loser. Face the truth. The democratic voters that didn’t bother to vote are why Trump is president. That along with running a bad candidate and pushing their leftist agenda.
Sure - many people preferred a number of his fake positions, which he clearly doesn't intend to honor, or lacks the competence to, since he utterly failed at every single one of them in his first term. Besides deficit funded tax cuts for upper brackets and corporations, of course. That said, his criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and attempt to not honor the peaceful transfer of power, was un-American criminal conduct of of an insanely shocking degree. But I guess you're OK with that. You've made that clear. Also; why are you responding to me? Why are we "talking"? You clearly consider enacting a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and attempting to not honor the peaceful transfer of power to be acceptable things. Me? IMO that's criminal and un-American conduct. Not very different than rape, murder, fraud or pedophilia....in that they're all criminal and absolute deal-breakers for "leadership." You? That's not that big a deal. Must feel good to you, I guess.... :shrug:
Obviously. And regardless of those people, you support the most vile, un-American, criminal conduct by a sitting POTUS in the entire history of our country. ^ That's a fact. It doesn't matter who or how many people agree with you. Vile. Un-American. Criminal. Supported by you.
Got to love the insulting degrading broadbrushing. Keep it up. Many many on the left have realized that this type of rhetoric led to the left getting g beat across the board . How about the left worry about their own house, get it cleaned up, run a good candidate, have a decent platform to run on ( instead of just .. we are not Trump). The hate filled arrogant rhetoric is what drove people to Trump to start with.
Seems to me maybe 2M fewer people voted and 3M flipped to Trump. Harris received more votes than Trump did in 2020. 74.4M to 74.2M. Trump received less votes than Biden did in 2020. 81M to 77M. There were 4M fewer votes About 2M voters died from covid.
Do you honestly believe that threats against officials are just now starting? You haven’t noticed any threats against, say, election officials these past four years?
Your post (and thought process) really could be interpreted as "Silently tolerate Trumpy crime, and enabling it, or we'll speciously label you as the problem." But no. The unkind (in your opinion) words of the left didn't force people to vote for the un-American criminal Trump. You're not children whose behavior can be so easily manipulated by a kind or unkind word, are you? Nah, you Trump supporters and shills decided that committing sexual assault, and conspiring to overturn an election, and many more crimes.....simply weren't that big a deal to you. Own your actions.
gator_jo, we all know this - but its over and it just did not matter enough to enough people. Sad but true. That’s how the cookie crumbled this time. There will be fresh malfeasance, bad acts, and self-dealing coming soon. Save your strength.
It really doesn't. Do you mean to say that you don't think Trump (the guy who cheated on his first wife with his second wife and cheated on his third wife with several porn stars) is promiscuous?
My original post was only about your loser candidate. Why you need to talk about Trump is strange. Your gal slept her way to the top. Own it.