Quite a step. Can’t imagine it actually working. https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/28/australia/australia-passes-social-media-law-intl-hnk/index.html
I actually support it. No idea if it will work. while I’m sure some of maybe many will get around it - it does give signal and permission to parents who actually want to enforce it.
I think that would be a foolish move on our guvments part- it is up to the parents to control I never allowed my 3 youngest to have a myspace page and they had to be 16 to have a facebook account and then they had to give me access
Australia is also the same country that put their own citizens into internment camps if they refused to take that dangerously experimental drug called the vaccine. Their leadership seems to have lost their bloody minds. I think we need to rethink giving them Nuclear submarine technology. Biden stole that deal they had with the French where the French were going to sell them over a dozen NON-nuclear submarines for billions of dollars (around $50 billion) when Biden intervened and offered the Aussies nuclear submarine technology... now the British seems to have jumped into that deal somehow, and they along with the US. are teaching the Aussies everything about nuke tech, which they obviously DO NOT HAVE. I do not think that county is worthy of such technology. They are far too totalitarian, and that nuclear submarine deal must be on the table unless they stop their censorship. Let's not forget that part of the censorship law targets people and businesses like Musk and X respectively. They want to fine him like the Europeans want to if Musk does not comply by building sensorship into his X platform. The Aussies are too cozy with the Chinese and they cannot be trusted any longer. Take back the nuclear subs deal...
and it is a nice thought to think that was it. I used to think that too. Daughters now 26 and 23 laugh at me and say oh dad.
This entire post is nonsense, every bit of it starting with calling the Trump Vaccine that "dangerously experimental drug." The whole post should be "sensored." Maybe equip it with a BS detector? Always good for a chuckle, at least there's that..
It’s a good idea in the opaque, social media causes mental illness and people that young are not responsible in the first place. The problem is how the hell is the Australian govt (or any govt) going to enforce it.