I think any claims that “the left” does this or “the right” are too broad to have real credibility. No offense. Besides, there’s no shortage of insults or criticisms going back and forth. Or in any directions.
Trixter, the amount of threads proclaiming education levels of the left and the uneducated right are here for the reading. Pundits in the media were repeatedly doing the same, as were posters here.
Because people dont care what voters think. They care about what the person running thinks. And while I agree with you here, the issue isnt dem voters. Its dem candidates. (Which is sort of what you are saying I think?) What does
Who here is claiming this is a Top 10 issue for Dem voters? The only reason Dem leaders say things like Kamala did is they are being bribed by big pharma to carve out another niche they can bilk the American people out of billions of dollars with. They don't actually believe in this they/them horsepoop.
I try to, but don't always. Frankly, G8orbill's rigidity and narrow mindedness just struck a nerve with me, but that's my problem, so I just put him on ignore.
generally, yes. in actuality I don’t even think most Dem candidates rate it THAT high, but the problem is when Repubs paint them as trans loving freaks the Dems feel powerless to refute that because they don’t want offend their base. it is kind of like all republican candidates refusing to acknowledge the theory of evolution, or that Trump lost. But interestingly those issues are not pivotal to swing voters. For whatever reason the trans issue is pivotal to these voters.
Let's be fair and honest though. Almost no Democrats voted for the person who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and was the only POTUS in US history to attempt to not honor the peaceful transfer of power. So bearing that in mind, how could any Democrat not be looking down their nose at anyone who voted for the person who had enacted such shocking, criminal, truly un-American conduct as that? Serious question; do you not "look down your nose" at people who enable crime? And un-American crime, at that?
I try not to. I do t agree with what they do but I try not to be haughty and look down my nose at anyone. Given what you just wrote You look down your nose at the illegal immigrants coming into America since they help enable drug trafficking, human trafficking etc.. by using Coyotes to cross the border? You look down your nose at the inner city kids selling drugs/gangbanging who truly have extremely limited options? You look down your nose at the down and of it homeless that steal? All criminal activities. All go against American values and laws. To further answer your question I have more respect for someone trying to better their lives, and America by using our democratic process ( even if I disagree with their choice/reasoning) than a slug sitting at home who can’t be bothered to spend a few minutes casting a vote that could help make America better.
Transgender issues aren’t an issue for anyone I know other than wanting them to be treated fairly with equal protections under the law. What this shows you is just how big of an issue it is for Conservatives. Trans are just the latest in a long list of groups Conservatives have historically opposed. They have never actually believed in the ethos of what this nation was founded on..
Good article explaining that Republicans are disingenuous liars who gaslight themselves. Two thumbs up.
Meh. Democrats shouldn't have to "navigate" the issue of hate. If Americans want racist, xenophobic, hate filled agendas filled with anti-democratic ideas and the fleecing of America... all the power to them.
This magnificent post deserves to be in some kind of THFSG Hall of Fame. Truly, I love it. I spent some time connecting dots after using your "if you disdain THIS crime, you surely must disdain EVERYONE, for everyone has done something wrong" thought process. But no. Certain things remain worse than others, your eloquent post notwithstanding. Certain transgressions are indeed not like others, yes, worse than others. And no, he who disdains, say murder or rape, is not in fact identical to he who disdains speeding or tearing the tag off of a mattress. And so we're full circle; The un-American crime of conspiring to criminally overturn an election is not the noble act of "making one's life better"........ and nor is voting for it. (Even if that includes the heroic act of leaving one's home. )
See, that's why mods shouldn't be posting extreme - and he is an extremist - opinions! Yet, you mods defend his right - as a mod - to do that, which surprises and disappoints me. But I guess it's going to be what it is, as Shakespeare observed.
We can put mods on ignore. You can still see our posts if we have you on ignore. We just won't see your posts.