You mean how people normally capitalize their initials and put a period after them to signify… that those are initials? I mean.. can you blame anyone for assuming a female gender? And to be clear.. as far as I know he never clarified just got all worked up.
I saw mention of his membership in a frat at UF. aAnd also he has said those were his initials. Not everyone reads every post
Agreed. And that’s fine. But when he got all knotted up at me for assuming he is a woman, I flat asked for clarification.. nope.. just wanted to whine. I don’t care. But when your screen name is misleading don’t be surprised when people are misled.
A man died at the hands of police. Yes he had other health issues but I could understand his friends and family being upset and mad. Of course Dems exacerbated it and fanned the flames. I mean Seattle has the CHOP CHAZ set up and people died because of it while the mayor lauded and supported part of the city being taken over .
I hate people that incite attacks on our country, and also those who attack our democracy by lying for years about fake election fraud. It surprises me that others are perfectly fine with these transgressions, but like you said- free speech, etc.
My pronouns are - "I'd never vote for someone who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, or was the only POTUS in US history to attempt to not honor the peaceful transfer of power." It's something every American should agree on. You should give it a try, it's invigorating (to not support a traitor.)
That's clever. But only one if us voted for someone who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and was the only POTUS in US history to attempt to not honor the peaceful transfer of power. And an adjudicated sexual assaulter, to boot. You must be proud.
The results of the election impact you far more than me. I live in a blue state so my vote doesn’t count anyways. No matter who won, I still wake up in the morning and go to work like usual.
LOL. Fascinating. Last time I checked, I live in a blue state too. I'll probably keep going to work as long as I want also. So other than that, really great points. However, to differentiate, only one of us voted for someone who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and was the only POTUS in US history to attempt to not honor the peaceful transfer of power.
Apparently. Some people clearly have no concern if our nation is degraded by electing a criminal who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and was the only POTUS in US history to attempt to not honor the peaceful transfer of power. I wonder what it feels like to care so little about the future of our nation, or how the tolerance of such flagrant un-American criminality will affect our future. But only a little, because I'm not really concerned with your feelings.
yep. That's how much enough people hate the leftist agenda. Apparently 20 million democratic voters don’t mind Trump either since they didn’t bother to vote.
Cool. And yet you voted for a criminal who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and was the only POTUS in US history to attempt to not honor the peaceful transfer of power. Clearly you think that was acceptable behavior by a sitting POTUS. Fascinating.
"Best" is subjective. A matter of opinion. My opinion of the "best" part is what a perfectly clear view we were given of how contemptible so many "Americans" are that they would actually cast a vote for POTUS for a criminal who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and was the only POTUS in US history to attempt to not honor the peaceful transfer of power. I guess we disagree.