So Hegseth divorced his first wife and married his second wife and they had 3 children. While still married to his second wife Hegseth got a producer pregnant at fox. at the time she was also married with 3 children. He left his second wife with children and married the producer. In the middle of all this is this rape case.
Well, not quite. Words mean things, and I would say there is no “case” here. Law enforcement investigated and declined to bring charges. The spectrum of possible events goes anywhere from Hegseth lured this woman to his room and forced himself on her to it was a alcohol-spawned hookup with bad judgment by both parties that was immediately regretted by the accuser the next morning (since her partner was staying in the same hotel, and she needed an explanation for where she slept). I can’t pretend to know what actually happened, but as I said in another thread even in Hegseth’s best scenario he still showed exceptionally bad judgment. There are some questionable elements of the accuser’s story in my opinion. In her version of events she had to have been drugged at some point (explaining why she did not scream or fight back, etc), but she did not report the matter for as many as five days later (at the insistence of her partner), so no way to tell. Could Hegseth have drugged her? Of course. But that is not something one does once on a whim and then never again. If true, I expect we will see other accusers come forward. My guess is, he will end up pulling his own name over this to avoid further scrutiny. Probably no legal danger here, but it just looks bad. And fairly or not, the military already has a poor reputation for how it handles accusations of sexual assault and its record of holding perpetrators accountable.
Hegseth abuses women says his mother. trump would have been better off if he let the FBI actually vet his appointees. In an interview with the New York Times, Penelope Hegseth says she regrets sending the email to her son. Pete Hegseth’s Mother Accused Her Son of Mistreating Women for Years
Still strange, unless the mother copied the ex-wife, which seems like an unusual thing to do even when dressing down one’s own child.
The article states that she did. I wouldn't be surprised if this showed up in the divorce proceedings, which appears to have been very long and contentious (who knew that cheating on the woman with whom you cheated on your first wife with a woman who just had your kid, was about to become your third wife, and whom you are already cheating on might be complicated).
In terms of wives two and three, I am reminded of the wise, timeless words of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen: “Never trust a traitor. Even one you made.”
Surprised this pick is still in the game at this point. I wonder if aome GOP Senators are just saying they will give him a chance, knowing that he will likely have to withdraw and they don’t have to say they will vote against him if they do not have to.
Flood the zone. Desensitized electorate. Skills at your job separated from personal life and indiscretions. The pool of competent people at a job increases if you stop the squeaky clean purity tests.
many have that uneasy feeling, that Trump nominated an unqualified, erratic individual for one of the most critical positions in our country based on their TV appeal and ability to say “cool stuff.”
Yeah, that's not it. First, the source is the NY Times. So it's not like we don't have cause for skepticism up front. Has Hegseth's mother verified that was the exact word-for-word email she sent him? It would not be outside of the Times wheelhouse to manufacture a hit piece. It just doesn't read like an email a mom would send to a son and who does that? A serious conversation like that is reserved for in person or over the phone at the least. An email? An email is a good way of saying "this isn't a high priority, but..." So it doesn't fit. I am not saying that she didn't send the email, but because it's the NY Times, I'd like to see some extra clarification before I simply buy it hook, line and sinker. They've burned us too many times before.
The author, his mother, did not deny the accuracy of the contents, rather she was upset it was released.
I have my own opinion on Hegseth and this letter but agree I want to hear her feedback and that’s why my post doesn’t directly reference the article. Honestly, I’ve stopped doing deep dives into these guys who abuse and demean women or lie and cheat to their families or get accused of rape—it’s just too revolting. That said, there’s an pattern emerging with this unqualified nominee. As for the NYT, every news outlet ever, occasionally gets a story wrong, and the key is how they respond. But no, I don’t believe the NYT regularly fabricates entire stories like this out of the blue, just because Trump claims they do. I’ll admit the New York Times is on the left, but they seem to be accurate. Hopefully, we’ll be able to confirm info on this letter soon. New York Times - Bias and Credibility