Yes!! Right wingers now appear to be very opposed to sexual assault and rape! The opposite of this seemed true, based on the latest presidential vote......but this is very promising.
You and your lot cannot be trusted, and we voted your gang out... live with it. Trump won... and Kamala is free to get drunk and post on X.
So does this mean that your lot won't be attacking the Capitol Building and beating hundreds of police after this election, and your gang won't be lying about fake election fraud for four years?
Yes, it's funny. That anyone could have seen that attack on our country happen, vote for the guy who incited it, and..... .....still consider themselves an American.
Another thread waylaid by folks who cannot see one valid point and deal with it. Sad. A degree from a university makes you credentialed, but not skilled nor wise.
I would personally say that anyone who, when they voice their opposition to domestic terrorism, would like to receive a response other than; "Sorry, you're a hypocrite"....... ......should not vote for someone who incited an attack on our country, and pledged to pardon the attackers. One way or the other please, And we can see how many showed they are OK with attacking America.
And it's continuing this time the threats are against liberal Democrats. Connecticut Congress members targeted with bomb threats on Thanksgiving Connecticut Democratic lawmakers report bomb threats on Thanksgiving
the hate you seem to carry around must at times be over whelming- this is a country of free speech so you are welcome to keep at it- on Jan 20th Trump is going to be the President
And the 10 million dems that stayed home and couldn’t be bothered to vote this election.. the election that so many was the most important in the history of the universe. The election that would determine the outcome of democracy as we know it. The election that pitted a authoritarian Hitler wannabe vs the highly qualified, superior candidate… Do you rail against your own that stayed home sitting in the couch not caring a bit about what happens to their country? Those missing ten million democratic voters would have turned the tide. Where are they? Just a few weeks ago so many of your compadres couldn’t be bothered to simply… vote. Too much to ask? Dem voters just couldn’t be bothered? Or do you think it’s fine to do nothing. From your point of view “The only thing needed for evil to be elected is for good men to do nothing..” Might be time to address your side and try to get your own house in order.
Be warned…She tends to get her parties in a knot if you refer to her as a her but she has yet to explain if she is a her or a he.. or even give us pronouns.