Yes, the information that the Russians attempted to influence the election is out there. As is the information that Trump did not collude or conspire with the Russians. Process those facts however you want.
How would that be "giving us the finger"??? It doesn't even amount to us giving Europe the finger. It's Europe's problem--to the extent its even an actual problem--not ours. Let them deal with whatever threat they perceive from Russia as they see fit. Our obligation under NATO ends West of the Ukrainian border, not west of its eastern border.
if his campaign manager gives polling data to the russians, is that collusion? working with another towards a common goal Paul Manafort Exclusive: I Gave Trump Campaign Polling Data to Russian Associate - Business Insider In an interview with Insider, Paul Manafort, who served as Donald Trump's campaign chairman, made his first public admission that in 2016 he shared polling data from the Trump campaign with Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime business associate with suspected ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik then passed the data on to Russian spies, according to the US Treasury Department, which has characterized the data as "sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy." In fact, in an email seized by Mueller, Manafort ordered his deputy Rick Gates, just a few hours before the two men met with Kilimnik in person, to print out four pages of internal campaign-polling data showing Trump's city-by-city strength in 18 swing states. Contrary to Manafort's claim, the data was not from the spring. It was collected by the campaign in mid-July — two weeks before the meeting with Kilimnik.
Ah, you were not referring to Kosovo but earlier operations in Bosnia. It still did not get kinetic (dropping bombs) until we became involved. I couldn't tell you what the UK et al were doing in the Balkans in 1994 before we started striking Serbian targets, but it was not much.
I wish I could be ignorant enough to have never read a text book to see how wars in Europe have impacted the US.
Those are your facts, not THE facts. The evidence is clear the Trump campaign was pretty much in bed with the Russians. Those are the INDISPUTABLE facts.
OMG Manafort shared polling data with a long-time business associate of his? shut it down everyone… case closed That’s practically treason
The search feature on this forum works great. Feel free to peruse my many prior posts addressing the topic.
Not literally but it would stop Trump from allowing Russia to destroy Ukraine. That would hurt his ego. If it’s important enough for the countries close by to stop Russia they will provide the arms. I hope they do.
Why would a Russian be interested in Trump's polling data and why would Manafort be anxious to provide it? That data was immediately turned over to Russian intelligence services. Why? So the Russians would know where to concentrate their efforts helping Trump. "While Mueller was unable to establish a conspiracy between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians involved in this activity, he made it clear that “[a] statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts.” In fact, Mueller also wrote that the “investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.” These 11 Mueller Report Myths Just Won’t Die Trust me, no one really expects you to make a connection you don't want to make...I've seen enough interviews of MAGA supporters on YT to understand that. "It is what it is."
And nobody expects you to stop grasping at straws. See how that works? By the way, I'm not a Trump "supporter." I just like to see you and your ilk in misery. I would say that's the reason that about half of Trump voters "support" him.