Yeah. He definitely parades himself as a conservative. I just dont think he has a principled bone in his body and deep down he could care less about issues.
From Doug Balloon NYTpitchBot: Americans knowingly elected a rapist who's been convicted of 34 felonies and was charged with dozens more. But they never would have voted for him if Kamala Harris had simply called a press conference to denounce the word "Latinx."
you CHOOSE to believe Trump is a closet liberal, I CHOOSE not to believe it - it is what makes America great we are free to believe what ever we want
Belief is a personal matter and is available in every place on earth. It is the exercise of that belief (most of them) and the freedom to act on it that sets this country apart.
Latinx is the gender-neutral alternative to Latina or Latino. It is a term used to describe a diverse group of people who have roots in Latin America. While it is unclear exactly when and where the term emerged, it is clear it emerged from queer Latinx online communities in order to challenge the gender binary. Letter to the editor: Willie Brown’s “Party Girl” | Times News Online
Please name me what is conservative about the Trump administration's policies. Trump increased the national debt by about $8t in his time in office. The PPP program was one of the worst managed programs in the history of this nation. His stimulus checks were just as unreal as Biden's. Trump is not a conservative by any means. He is a populist.
Dana White spoke at the presidential acceptance speech and shouted out Aiden Ross. This is what you voted for. Yes, I will insult you for it. Low information voters such as yourselves are risking the nation's stability, especially economically.
I, for one, have long been very interested in the opinion of L. Ernie Foucault, from Kresgeville. Thank you for providing that.
Wow… Ok. So I’m a low information voter because … why? And I voted for who again? Go on.. you clearly have all the info.. tell us .. who did I vote for as a low information voter? May be I’m not the low info poster in this board making claims I can’t back up and openly and willingly insulting other posters based on those erroneous claims. Actually.. any chance you are married to Jo? Just .. similar M.O.s
Reagan was once a Dem and so was Trump, but who is the "closet" liberal? The GOP "conservative Party" is no more... Just like the Blue-dog Democrats. Both are gone. Both the RINOs and the Dems are now being run by the UN... NWO, WEF, Climate Communists that want to take our Constitutional rights like the First and Second Amendment rights from us. Just look what they're doing in Europe to get a taste of what they want for us... People that speak-out on social media get jailed in Europe. That's what they want for all people, including Americans.
sounds like a typical snowflake. Sorry I upset your delicate sensibilities with logic and reason. Get back to your Joe Rogan listening and your safe spaces talking about how fluoride is causing gender dysphoria or soemthing.
lol well I did agree with your first draft of this one. The two parties are not the same as pre 2008. Both have changed fundamentally and there is no “conservative” party. After the first few sentences our views differ dramatically
Oh I’m not upset. Rather enjoying this. But I noticed you had zero answers…. Wonder why that’s. Again, you called me a low information voter who voted for Trump. Please tell us more. Share your info on whom I voted for. Because if you have been in this board for any length of time you’d know I have not and will not vote for Trump. But please continue to insult, belittle, and put down those who dare disagree with you.. and keep trying to convince us you’re not a dem!
Big Jill Stein fan then? If you refer to people as “dems” or “libs”, 99% chance you are a Rogan enjoyer
What? Libs and Dems have been used FOREVER… even from the left. If that’s your basis for assuming someone follows Joe Rogan ( and for the record.. I don’t) you might want to rethink your stance of being an informed voter because right now you sound like a someone desperate to pigeon hole someone that disagrees with you.
Wait… I’m a low information snowflake that listens to Joe Rogan and votes for Trump…that needs a safe space and you offended me with your stellar logic and reason? Hahahahahaha I can honestly say you missed on all points!