I've seen this talking point about the "they/them ad" frequently in the past few days as a means of explaining Kamala's loss. Usually when that happens, it's a DNC talking point. Then the shills parrot it. The article is the DNC's way of backhandedly blaming America's bigotry for Kamala losing. Which frankly is a positive sign, as it means the DNC still hasn't gotten the memo and are going to double-down on the lunacy. Bodes well for JD Vance.
"The left". I am a fiscal conservative with no party. Populists with no discernible plan vs Democrats who never have a plan
Cool. Another article blaming coms on Kamala losing, oh and people just don’t understand the nuance. Keep writing them…..Please .
Lol imagine people who still think pollution is a lie and that voting machines from 2020 are being hidden in Ukraine being told they are wrong. The results of women's sporting events is a top GOP priority these days. Economic policy? Close down all the regulators and undo our leadership in free trade is the "plan." Same people that fall for crypto scams fell for Trump again. After Trump dissolves Department of Education, will he bring in Rogan's best guests in like Terrence Howard to invent "new math"?
With Biden/Kamala, people were voting like conservatives used to vote. For status quo. With Trump, the nation has plunged itself into uncertainty. The only sure thing is that it will be a good 4 years for the top 1%.
Amazing you are not a Democrat, considering in just this one thread you've somehow managed to repeat several DNC talking points nearly verbatim.
These are not talking points, but just facts. Examples of his policies: 1) Closing the CFPB whose sole purpose is to protect consumers 2) Cutting corporate tax rates 3) lowering taxes with tariffs (regressive and helps 1% at the expense of the working class). They claim the will exempt overtime taxes. However, they have redefined what overtime is and calculate it over 2 weeks instead of one. Joke
The lunatic fringe definitely wants to burn it down in one day, and they're the ones who get all the media attention. If the Democrat party wants credibility with moderate swing type voters, it needs to disown these idiots. People the likes of whom one is unlikely to encounter on any given day in real life are the ones driving the shit show, and the Biden administration gave them all the attention and hugs they demanded for four years.
This has been fun to read. One certain poster… who is clearly not a democrat… has spent a good portion of the thread belittling, insulting and demeaning republicans who voted for Trump.
Then we are similar. I am a moderate conservative with no party...But that doesnt change my point about how the left views the right and how this article is just more proof of it.
You’re never gonna get everything you want from a politician. I guess I just voted for the closest thing and direction I would prefer the country to go. That said…Trump is quite a doofus and an ass.
we get it. We get it. It’s been made clear that if you are AA and you voted for trump ‘you ain’t black’. If you’re white and voted for trump You’re a racist. If you’re a white male and voted for him you’re a misogynist and racist. If you’re Latino and voted for trump you’re racist adjacent. If you are female and voted for him then you are accused of being not strong and not smart because trump never surrounds himself with strong smart women. And all categories above are all voting for a fascist, authoritarian who is a right wing extremist. Such inspiring rhetoric. And what does the nazi fascist do in the first 2 weeks after the election? Well, according to axios he nominates the most diverse cabinet in history and the first female Chief of staff. Oh the horror…... by all means…….. Keep gaslighting and Keep preaching. Maybe one day voters will finally understand the brilliance of your nuanced explanations https://www.axios.com/2024/11/23/trump-liberal-cabinet-rfk-tulsi-gabbard-bessent Why it matters: Lost in the noise of Trump's most controversial picks is the simple, undebatable fact that this might be the most ideologically diverse cabinet of modern times