Really? Here’s the full interview.
“Getting questions we knew voters weren’t going to care about”. Hmmm, seems the Harris campaign misjudged what voters cared about.
Other than the Fox interview, she only did interviews with media that would be considered even by D's as favorable to her. Her big softball question that she could have hit out of the park was asked on The View. What would you have done differently?
Trump was the one elected. Trump has no answers how his tariffs will work. He has no idea how they work. Media doesn’t care. They act like he has an idea.
The fact is, people felt like they knew what they were going to get with Trump, and they chose to remember the positive aspects, and forget about the negative ones of his presidency. The Democrats had an uphill battle, yes, but they didn’t really help their cause. They felt Kamala’s media coverage had to be tightly managed, because she just isn’t a natural and doesn’t communicate well with most people. Also, she was scared to say anything to offend left wing voters and decrease the left wing enthusiasm. I’m doubtful that there is anything she could have done differently to win. I suspect in a full blown primary she probably would not have won.
Odd When mentioned on this board that Kamala was terrible candidate with terrible messaging there are certain posters who rush to her defense and claim no.. it was all the economy’s fault. But if Kamala had been a good candidate and had good messaging she’d have noticed that the two main issues were Inflation and Immigration.. and had a message, an answer, a plan. But nope. Dems doubled down on Trump will be Hitler, Trump will have a nation wide ban on Abortions. Trump will (fill in the blank). They don’t have a platform to run on.. they spent the whole time tearing down their opponents. But the biggest issue was that Kamala ( and the media) had just spent weeks telling us how sharp and energetic Joe was. She then said she’d wouldn’t change a thing from the Biden administration… How can anyone trust this candidate who spent weeks lying about the president and then has no plan to solve the two biggest issues for Americans.
You’re speaking to people who watched Trump lie blatantly about the election and attempt to steal it. The fact that he can beat anyone isn’t on Kamala it’s on the valueless Americans who shit on the world electing him. I’m looking forward to my tax breaks though.
The one question that she can complain about came from someone from The VIEW. She was asked if she would change anything in her administration that Biden did... something long those lines, and she said she would not change a thing. So she was, from the on, then tied to all of Biden's mistakes from then on... Would she do anything differently? Her answer said it all... "No."
Haven't paid attention to this thread. But we're hearing complaints about someone's public speaking from.....people who rabidly support a guy who said, on national TV, that immigrants are "eating the dogs!! They're eating the cats!!!" Fact is stranger than fiction. What's next, they pretend they care about America?
I listened to the entire interview. It is clear that these people felt they had to explain themselves to their base and donors on why they lost. However, they obviously cannot admit that Harris was an awful candidate, so they had to come up with a lot of reasons why they lost. It was extremely unconvincing and seemed like a pitch to help them raise the money they need to get out of the red. I would expect them to start blaming Harris after Jan 20th and all the debts of the campaign are paid.
The look of sheer confusion and terror on her face in response to the question didn't help. I don't think she was prepared for it, which served as further confirmation she was in over her head. How could you not be ready for that question? Especially knowing The View would happily coordinate the questions with the campaign ahead of time. I think I saw someone describe Kamala as the kid in school who tries to deliver the book report on a book she didn't read. All sorts of cringe, but because of TDS, she nabbed almost half the vote.