The sad part is I'm more right leaning than you. You'll just never grasp that concept because you somehow think MAGA is right leaning.
We're with the rational side of my family this year, so there's no political talk other than someone occasionally mocking Trump or Trumpies. I think when the dog humped someone's leg there was a shout of "He's going all Donald Trump on me!" Before the 2020 election, with the other side of the family, they wanted to argue for Trump. I politely engaged, but I always politely kick things right back for them to explain. They couldn't describe what Trump had accomplished, didn't know what GDP was, or how tariffs worked. I got Bert stares when I asked them how Trump had "built the best economy," or how China was paying us billions for tariffs. Kinda expected them to say "He just done did it! He said so himself!"
“Why is that uncle so reasonable, kind and affable”. “Because he’s a conservative son”. (Jo dad)“Sorry I failed you and turned you into libbie Jo.”
In 2026 may conservatives stop supporting the groomers in Washington that they have protected over the years. Keep our children safe
Given that I have a ton of (former) friends and relatives talk precisely like this, yes I did. If this guy is just a petulant troll, I’ll just block. I’ve lost my tolerance to trolling.