It says that a huge amount of American voters have absolutely no standards for who they will vote for President. They will even cast a vote for an obvious criminal, a traitor who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, who is an adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter. A person whose entire election campaign was telling racist lies. Wow, how low has our country sunk when, just because they think it might get them cheaper eggs......our country will vote for that.
If I have to be anything right now, I'd rather be a Democrat. Again, this is her speaking. Stone cold sober. Trump's inability to speak clearly as an almost 80 year old felonious rapist, has already been shared. This is a stand up American who tried to do the almost impossible. No class guys, you show no class. Dumb thread, so ya'll can giggle together, alone.
Lol, at these Leftists... talk about a last ditch effort at PROJECTING. We all know who the cognitively impaired one is.
What?!?? When did Trump get convicted of being a rapist? Another Democrat making up crap. Talk about propaganda.
a lot of attacks on her are rooted in misogyny. For Biden it was ageist attacks. This is as a troll thread, maybe skip them.
Trump’s qualifications before running in 2016: Failed businessman with multiple bankruptcies, including at least two casinos, and reality TV star. So qualified! It’s like you all don’t think before you post dumb shit, lol.
The point is if we’re comparing actual qualifications of the two candidates when they ran for office, Kamala’s blow his out of the water, as do any other previous president or government official’s. You all bitch and moan about DEI but have no problem with Trump’s lack of qualifications for the highest office in our government when he ran. Odd.
Trump had a “plan” in 2016 but basically broke every promise he made while in office. All the big stuff he ran on? The wall? Getting rid of the ACA and coming out with his own healthcare plan? Nada. And this last campaign he didn’t even have a platform to run on, just “concepts” yet all we heard was how Harris had no plan. Just tired of the blatant and obvious hypocrisy from MAGA sycophants.
Did she ever publically give an in-depth list of her political policies? How can you even vote for someone that hides their intentions?