Congrats to @eastowest for predicting it would be Lagway to Badger. That has become quite the duo. Up next and the finale of the regular season is our instate step-sister. Oh how the 2023 National Champions have fallen!!! Couldn’t happen to a better bunch. Let’s hope our guys don’t lay a turd on this one. We have all the momentum, possibly two freshman All Americans with Lagway & Baugh, a team who believes & going on the road with a chance put a final stamp on this year. Are we back, or do we take a step back! I believe we win this one fairly easily by 17+ to cement Billy’s turnaround. For the final regular season game of the year, I am going with Lagway to Badger for the Gators first TD. Go Gators!!!
Lagway stutter-stepping into the end zone as clowntown defenders trip over their oversized shoe laces.
Since monk said Lagway -> Dike already, I'll go with Dike on a punt return after the Noles' first drive sputters.