Tell me you've never listened to her speak without telling me you've never listened to her speak. Why can't you guys move on? You supposedly won. Is it because you're a gator fan? You know how no one suffers a win more than us?
Typical Democrat response. You do realize she is the current Vice President. It is sad democrats are ok with our current vice president looking like she had a rough night at the fraternity house.
You understand you supported a 78-year-old, very obese, bad makeup-wearing dude with some kind of weird tupee/combover, correct?
Your point is what exactly? The majority of voters elected him. He doesn’t drink or smoke. He answers questions. Apparently the majority of voters thought he was far superior. Kamala couldn’t answer a question if her life depended on it.
Ok. I am still lost. Our Vice President looks like a drunk whore that had a rough night. Somehow you think Trump looks worse than that. Sorry your standards are quite low.
As an aside, it may not be alcohol. It might be just drugs. Aren’t 25% of American women mentally ill and on psych meds ?
Are you drunk? I don’t want to sleep with the President of the United States. I want him to run the country. Apparently you want to sleep with Kamala. Apparently that’s why democrats voted for her.
Not drunk enough to think making fun of Kamala's appearance as a Trump supporter is a winning argument. Dude can't even keep his orange makeup inside the lines.
If she is planning on running again, she's going to remain in the news cycle. Are we now no longer able to discuss current events? Perhaps you'd like to make a list of which current events we're allowed to talk about here? Also, was there something you had to click on before this thread opened or did your browser AI lead you here involuntarily?
Depends on what you define as “the dark side”. I was once a republican. I could very well support a republican in terms of some of traditional republican values. There is no way in hell I’d ever support anything MAGA or MAGA adjacent, and especially not Trump.
While I could nit pick on a few of your points, I think what you are saying is fundamentally true. She just can’t naturally and easily speak in a way that most Americans can relate to, so she goes into this weird mode of trying not to say anything that offends anybody, and the result is she seems like she is talking but saying nothing.
Although it's already been rated off-topic a number of posters to this board have no problem with a president-elect scheduled to take office on January 20 who on multiple occasions has demonstrated that he is cognitively impaired.
Harris handed the nomination, spent over a billion dollars, press overwhelmingly in her corner … Trump still wins decisively.
If Trump is cognitively impaired, what were your two candidates? We tried to tell you Biden was cognitively impaired. You went into full-on denial mode. Turns out your candidate was so cognitively impaired he soon realized he could not defeat Trump and forfeited. Your replacement candidate was supposed to fix that problem, but it turned out $1.5 billion and 18 years his junior wasn’t cognitive enough to defeat Trump either. If President Trump is cognitively impaired, what were your two candidates? Mentally disabled?