I have a feeling Kamala is going to be the gift that keeps on giving. She's in heavy debt, which is probably being understated at the moment. She's desperate and needs to remain relevant. Grab your popcorn.
Doubt they will just push her to the side and she will stay quiet to avoid the negative press. She was never meant to be the next in line but Biden’s decline and the hope that he could get over the finish line ruined that plan.
I like how she wags her finger at us like a dictator would. Am I watching Muammar Gaddafi or Kamalalaladingdong? The irony is so thick.
The bottom line is she just wasn’t a great candidate in terms of political appeal. With an accelerated election timeline they were able to manage her public appearances and image.
I’m not sure what is worse….4 more years of Trump, or 4 more years of your posting. Even if i had been on the fence, id have voted Harris just for a one year reprieve.
That's too bad to hear, @l_boy. I rather enjoy your posts. You'll eventually come over to the dark side. I can feel your anger.
This was known back in '20 when she did not even make it to Iowa. Biden backed himself into a corner on his VP pick and elevated Harris despite her known issues. Harris had three and half years of the Biden White House, Democrats, and the press saying how she was under performing, her staff hated her, and how she was a drag on the Biden Admin. That had to have a major impact on her confidence and you could see it as she come off as very nervous in interviews.
Boy did America dodge a bullet. Aside: apparently her internals were showing that she never led Trump at any time.
Let's not forget this and I could probably post well over a dozen and that was when Trump was much more coherent than he is now.