Oh, this is the old “you can’t shoot down a hypersonic” canard? Yeah, that is a problem … except Ukraine has already managed to do it with a Patriot over a year ago, despite the fact that this is not the premier U.S. air defense system, Ukraine is working with older Patriot technology, and only have rudimentary training with the system. Ukraine downed a hypersonic missile with a Patriot. What that says about the future of weapons So thanks again to Russia for starting this war. Without it, we might still believe that hypersonics were, like, these magic weapons that were not susceptible to basic physics.
Your information source is a dreadful mess. Europe is in a panic and Biden losing his second consecutive proxy war to Putin and is throwing up a Hail Mary on his way out.
To those of you who have dissenting voices on ignore - and are relying on news sources which regurgitate only Ukrainian sources - small wonder you believe Russia is losing.
Why we’re not fighting in Ukraine or anywhere else these days. Scroll to “Casualties, Replacements and Reconstitutions” … https://press.armywarcollege.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3240&context=parameters
As I suspected, the framework for the peace plan President Trump reportedly intends to propose, which was already grossly unacceptable to Ukraine and NATO allies, is even more unacceptable to Russia, which still demands Ukraine surrender its territory and sovereignty. Kremlin rejects compromises, demands total Ukraine surrender So now what? If the two sides are this far apart, what alternative is there except to keep fighting it out?
While I don't believe the Russians are interested in toppling all of Ukraine, they are losing a lot of soldiers for having such a tech advantage. It could be a situation where some of their tech is better than ours on paper, but the Russians fumble said tech's proper application.
Beg to disagree. Russia can put an end to its casualties tomorrow if it likes. All it has to do is order its army to start marching back to the Russian side of its own borders.
I believe this is a complete misunderstanding of the nature of this war and possibly biased by the fading memory of the Persian Gulf War where the US Air Force bombed the daylights out of an exhausted third world country and its ancient ack-ack guns. This is easily the biggest land war since WWII. And it takes a long time to methodically chew through two-million troops when you’re softening hardened positions with artillery, missiles and drones and sending small packets to clean up. Note: Ukraine is the size of Texas. Also note that the virulently anti-Russian news source Mediazona, working with the BBC claims to have confirmed 66,000 Russian KIA. And I believe this number includes Ukrainian freedom fighters and volunteers. See my Army College paper which postulates that close to that number of US army would die if inserted into Ukraine.
It is a pickle. But Russian intransigence is not going to make President Trump suddenly stop desiring to end this war as quickly as possible. What it might do is make him adjust the manner in which he creates pressure for one side or the other. And what are his real options? With respect to Ukraine, he can delay or interfere with aid. But the first problem with that is that it is not really scalable; once he has fully cut off aid (assuming he can), what more can he do to pressure Ukraine? The second problem is it would cause him domestic and alliance problems that would, like the war itself, interfere with other issues he would rather prioritize, such as the situation at the Southwest Border. With respect to Russia, the options and scalability are great deal more open.
That is correct. There are greater remaining options for further pressuring Russia, all of them short of directly putting warheads on Russian foreheads.
I understand why you feel that way. But take deep breaths and wait to see how this plays out. President Trump is far more constrained structurally in his agency to restrict aid to Ukraine than he is in his ability to ratchet up pressure on Russia. At the end of the day, your fears may be proven true. I hope not. We will see.
Trump talks like he can get Zelensky and Putin into a room and knock their hands together. He cannot because the US behind him does not possess the wherewithal to reign in actions it has provoked. Best Trump can do is save face by convincing Zelensky to surrender, which capitulation could be sold to a gullible public as a plucky Ukraine thwarting mighty Russia from subjugating the entire of Europe.
This was clear on day 1 of the war: Ukraine would be demilitarized and somewhat de-nazified. It would not become a NATO country Russia would take control of areas that have a high proportion of Russian-speakers in the east and south. The longer the war went on the smaller Ukraine would become and the greater the death toll on both sides. Fighting Russia was a losing move for Ukraine and the US. Any top grand strategist or geopolitical analyst knew this