Last game of the regular season. I have to admit, I screwed up a little bit this year. Last year we had 14 Weeks, then Bowl Games. Week 14 was "championship week', and this year it is the final week of the regular season. I'm guessing it's because they added another bye week. Is that right that we only had one bye week last year and two this year? Anyways, this is week 14, next week will be championship week. Then we'll have bowls, and then the inaugural playoff "week". Sorry for the confusion! But essentially, we get 2 extra weeks of the contest because of the added week, and the playoffs... so YAY! Here are the Match-ups for this week: Louisville @ Kentucky South Carolina @ Clemson Duke @ Wake Forest Kansas @ Baylor USF @ Rice Arky (Arkansas) @ Mizzou NC State @ North Carolina TCU @ Cincinnati Oklahoma @ LSU Texas @ TAMU I've mentioned this before, but need to do it again for this week... Please try to enter your picks based on the name provided above. I do this because my spreadsheet is configured a certain way. For example, if Kansas was a winner, but Arkansas lost, people would be rewarded points for picking Arkansas, because my spreadsheet would "find" the word "Kansas" within the word "Arkansas", hence my naming the team "Arky" Same goes for NC State and TAMU. ***Deadline is noon Saturday as per usual. Good Luck to all, and to all: GO GATORS!!!
Leader Board through Week 13 --Total-- Name ---133--- tommyvee ---126--- MRG8R ---126--- gatormonk ---124--- gator954 ---122--- gator_n_sc ---116--- Wanne15 ---116--- phatGator ---113--- Bazza ---112--- SmootyGator ---112--- ETGator ---111--- pigpen ---111--- GratefulGator ---108--- bperkins10 ---107--- senecagator ---107--- obone ---107--- Gatorhead ---107--- gatordavisl ---107--- eastowest ---106--- manigordo ---105--- danmanne65 ---105--- 2oldgator ---103--- audiogatorjim ---102--- kes ---102--- gatortenor37 ---099--- ocalaman ---099--- igabradley ---099--- ApexNC ---092--- GoCocks3877 ---087--- GatorPrincess8 ---086--- Gatorrick22 ---085--- jcmiller910 ---067--- wrrgator ---013--- gatorstevelp
Will void the TCU @ Cincy pick giving you 5 picks, as it appears that you accidentally forgot to cut it... unless I hear otherwise.