Browse Disbursements - HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT HARPO PRODUCTIONS INC CA EVENT PRODUCTION 10/15/2024 $500,000.00 HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT HARPO PRODUCTIONS INC CA EVENT PRODUCTION 10/15/2024 $500,000.00 This was copied from the FEC site which shows the payments on Oct 15. So the Harris campaign paid Oprah's production company $1 million dollars. True, they didn't pay her directly, just the production company she owns.
There was also a contribution of $2,050,000 to the National Urban League which I believe is Al Sharpton's organization in NYC.
Also, looking through that list of expenses for the Harris campaign that listed climate change as a huge issue they spent over $6 million on private air travel.
The National Action Network is Sharpton's organization. The Urban League has been around for decades and is considered a relatively moderate mainstream civil rights organization.
The Harris campaign blew $1.5 Billion Dollars in 15 weeks only to lose every swing state and lose the popular vote and the Democrat party still wound up over $20 Million Dollars in the hole. Of course when you pay Opray $2.5 Million to endorse you, donate half million dollars to Al Sharpton to give you a softball interview, $350,000 to Nu Vision for a interview you can blow some money. John Morgan a democrat megadoner says The money Maybe Legally Stolen. But Trump to the rescue says the Republican Party might be persuaded to pay off the debt for them
There's already a thread about these allegations. Feel free to contribute to that one. We don't need a new one rehashing the same points. Thank you.
I thought the Harris campaign CFO claimed the campaign had no debt. But John Morgan of Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, and Morgan …. ambulance chasers extraordinaire…… claims the Harris campaign coffers were legally looted. I bet he was expecting a position in the Harris administration and is just hugely bummed. Kamala Harris' campaign money 'maybe legally' stolen—Democrat megadonor
They paid for the town hall Oprah did. Oprah did not charge them for her services. It was for the staff and the space.
It is a fact. And facts don't care about your feelings. Oprah Winfrey Says She Was Not Paid To Endorse Kamala Harris
Maybe because it was inevitable Trump was going to run again and was controlling the Republican Party from Mara Lago? Convenient how you are pivoting post Trump victory.
And this should be example #1 of why you should not be using FactCheck anymore. So, when I or others ask you who's fact checking the FactCheckers, this is why some are saying that. Just a blatant lie.
Pivoting? Convenient how you are ignoring some of the things I've said about Trump post victory. Hint: For starters I have said I am concerned him winning will set conservatism back so far that America may recoil and not elect a conservative again anytime soon. Forgive me for calling out blatant hypocrisy on the left. I didnt realize that disliking Trump meant I had to bow down to the unpopular (losing) ideology of far left "progressiveness".
Yeah, I have a couple Airbnbs. But guests never pay me. They just pay for a house, utilities and place to park their car.