If we don’t like pollution credits then do away with them, since they are available to all I don’t see the issue if Tesla capitalizes on them. I’m sure a many companies use them to help their bottom line.
It has long been the goal of corporate America. Eliminate all actual education and critical thinking skills and turn school into a life long indoctrination of how to be subservient drones who have been taught only the skills necessary to work for the schools' corporate sponsor.
it is an example of the fact that neither Tesla or spacex would exist without gubmnt subsidies. i'm sure his ox won't get gored though
To be fair, FSU spends similar sums for expansions to educate at the same grade level that Musk is targeting.
Your numbers are a little off. First of all, building in FL is a little cheaper than Texas. On average, most new public schools in Fl are about 450 bucks a square foot. Sarasota just listed one last year at 80 million for an elementary school down near Venice. High School in Apollo Beach just came in at 160 mil. So 100 million for an elementary school in Tx is not unheard of. Also, your start up UF campus in Jax at 200-300 million is not an entire campus, it's likely a lot of site work and then maybe two or 3 buildings with master plan for more. BTW, university buildings are CONSIDERABLY more than public schools. At UF, their buildings routinely cost 700 bucks a square foot.
Maybe not more than but often it isn't worth it to put a lot of money into an old building. Most school districts would like to get 50 years out of a school but will often have to renovate (roofs and HVAC mostly) over the years. At a certain point it doesn't make sense to keep putting money into it but the better building you build up front, the longer it will last you.
I would bet that the government has more than received in tax dollars back to the treasury more than any subsidy Telsa and SpaceX received.