Very much agree, in the case of NTSB investigations re self driving there is a ton of oversight. Imagine if every car accident got investigated the way a “self driving “ car does when there is an accident.
I disagree. My guess is that decentralized solar power will be the key in the third world. But as they say the future will tell us who is right.
China is crushing us in renewable energy technology and I think this move is needed. Even Elon has to rely on China for the latest EV battery technology. Solar panel technology? China. New leader in nuclear technology? China. Drill baby drill is a short term play and China is playing the long game
Yes, that's how these things work. The left liked Musk until he went right-wing wacko and helped Trump get elected. Kind of like how the right was fine with Liz Cheney until she stood up for democracy and against Trump. And not coincidently, Tesla is selling fewer cars these days, in part because of Musk's behavior. In a couple of years, when I'm looking to buy an EV, it certainly won't be a Tesla.
The left went anti-musk when he took over twitter and called out the limiting of certain posts during the 2020 election. Certainly the left in the US may not buy a Tesla but some right wingers may now (even wash). Also I’m not so sure about tesla selling less cars, Below is complete data on Tesla annual production from 2018 – Q2 2024. Year Production 2018 254,530 2019 365,232 2020 509,737 2021 930,422 2022 1,369,611 2023 1,845,985 Q1 2024 433,371 Q2 2024 410,831 Q3 2024 469,696 If there has been a drop worldwide it’s more likely due to Cheap Chinese cars taking market share.
That’s funny, what other EV makers is Newsome referring to? Ford? GM? Both have gotten huge Gov largesse over the years. It’s more likely he’s pissed that Musk moved his HQ to Texas. Also seems like it would be had to single out a specific manufacturer.
The reason that the NHTSA is investigating Tesla is because its autonomous driving system called Autopilot is a new technology. There have been multiple accidents some of which have been fatal while the system was engaged. It's clear that as a completely autonomous system it's flawed. I think the question is whether drivers were led to believe that they could rely on the system or whether they were warned that system was unreliable and that they still had to monitor their cars, failed to do so and were at fault. The investigations are still in progress although the chances are that once Trump takes office they could be terminated. Also keep in mind that Musk has proposed completely autonomous taxis. Just a guess but if they have the same flaws as the Tesla system they could represent a real danger to their passengers, passengers and drivers of other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Tesla self-driving crash reports prompt NHTSA investigation
I bought a Tesla with the full self driving in July this year. I love it. When you use the full self driving you have to maintain contact with the steering wheel at least every 15 seconds. It is great on the interstate, I don't like it in town because it takes extra long time when making right or left turns. I also disengage it on the interstate when going through construction zones as sometimes the lanes are not as well marked with painted lines. However, if I have been out to dinner or a bar and have had a couple of drinks, the full self driving is perfect for taking you home. It never speeds, stays in the lanes and makes full stops at all lights and stop signs. It is my designated driver.
who gets the liability when a self driving car causes a crash? if a self driving car kills someone in error, who gets charged?
Good questions, as with all tech/devices there are limits to the tech. If it’s due to a malfunction of the tech then the manufacturer would have liability I assume. If it due to user error ie: not properly using the tech is the user. In short the details matter. Tesla is hardly the only company pushing this. China is pushing hard and Waymo is already running driverless cars in California.
Musk endorsed Biden in 2020. Then he got mad at liberals and bought Twitter in 2022 and went right-wing wacko for Trump in 2024. And your numbers are for cars produced, not sold/delivered. Though it doesn't matter, as Tesla both produced and sold fewer cars through the first 3 quarters of 2024 than it did in the first 3 quarters of 2023. That's quite a drop off for a company that was showing such high growth every year through 2023.
Just speculation on my part but I suspect that Tesla updated the system to require periodic driver contact with the steering wheel. My impression is that when the accidents attributable to the system occurred it didn't require periodic driver contact with the steering wheel. If I recall in one case the driver believed that the system was fully autonomous and dozed off when the accident occurred.
Are you just making stuff up? Here is TSLA's sales numbers. Look, I get you hate musk, but don't lie. You look foolish, yet again... Tesla stock slips after EV maker misses estimates on deliveries