Sorry, having a corrupt judge dismiss a valid case, and a corrupt USSC slow-walk a fake immunity ruling does not erase what happened. Sorry, your felon is still a criminal. Also, OJ wasn't criminally convicted of the murders. Innocent? Now bow down and worship your sexual assaulter felon.
Clown Democrats. Two failed impeachments and now a bunch of felony indictments the prosecutor himself had to ask to be dismissed. What a joke. It will take a long time for anyone to take the Democrat party serious ever again, if that ever happens.
Meaning the phrase " equal justice under law " is aspirational at best or complete bullshit at worst.
Call me a cynic, but I fall on the side of complete bullshit. For it to be aspirational, the system would need to be actively working towards it. Instead, we're going the opposite direction, after past progress.
Weird Trump supporter fanfic. This was not even close to being a top reason for why the electorate voted for Trump.
Nope, still a felon. And a criminal no matter what happens. Unless trying to overturn an election suddenly becomes legal. Hilarious how Trumpies think that winning an election and/or having an enabling corrupt judiciary means that crimes we all saw ......didn't actually happen.
Voters took the power from the government and effectively acquitted Trump. Time to move on. He’s got Presidential immunity, just like the future Presidents.
You're just going to have to live with the fact your party tried really, really, really, really hard to take DJT down and failed every time. I've never seen an entity go to these lengths, this many times and fail so miserably every time, lol. Your modern day Democrat party, folks.
Over 70% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Many are "Trumpies" who couldn't give a rat's ass about those "crimes we all saw" They are concerned about making a living. Survival. Meanwhile the privileged continue to hang onto.......other stuff........
I just chuckle at this shit. It's okay for Trump to commit crimes because people are struggling. However, if people who are struggling commit crimes, throw the book at them. Law and order for thee, but not for me.
LOL. And Trump is going to help them, instead of the "privileged." Just like he did with his deficit-funded top-bracket/corporate tax cuts. Trump hates the privileged. Republicans getting people to vote against their own self-interest is one of the most hilarious cons to watch. Sad. But hilarious.
LOL. People don't have to specifically say that for it to be perfectly clear. Dude walks across the border to pick produce for less than the minimum wage and no health insurance : "LOCK HIM UP!!" Traitor tries to overturn an election or steal classified docs : "Dindu nuffin. Actually, that didn't even happen. (You're eyes deceived you.)" Just absolutely hilarious.