I guess they are mot as welcoming of illegals as they try to portray Canada pivots from ‘diversity is our strength,’ locks down border fearing migrant influx - The Daily Bo Snerdley
Can you blame them? The country south of them just re-elected donald trump. I expect a tall wall and armed guards to keep the crazed Americans out. Some, i’m sure are very nice people.
Of course, it's nothing new. We've seen it with prominent Democrats here in the States. They're all for unfettered border crossings until they have the migrants arrive to their city. What a sad joke this has always been and the little libbie voters fall for it hook, line and sinker as if letting in a million unvetted of anybody is a good idea.
We can only hope those crazies head north ….. and south to Mexico. Read that Ellen Degen is headed to the UK!!
We’re going to put more guards on our northern border. Canada going to put more guards on its southern border. Hope they don’t shoot each other
Hypocrites... I believe they actually let some of their illegal cross into our nation a couple of months ago. We owe them. .
They have a very easy temporary worker program. People can come from Vietnam for example and work six months and then they have to go home to be replaced by another person who is there for six months. When he leaves the first person can come back to the same company.