Also, zero shock that you'd issue your 80th proclamation of impending doom despite the war having, at most, 3 months left...
The inflation was 8.6% in 2021. We spent a huge amount of money both coming up with a vaccine for Covid on an accelerated timeline, and keeping the U.S. economy afloat (both of which provided value to both the U.S. and the world), with much of the population confined to their homes and unable to go to work. The Covid spending went down in 2022, and the inflation went down to about 3.5% as well. Developing that type of vaccine on an accelerated timetable has never been done before, and it saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American lives. Again, it was temporary, and it was not combined with other negative factors to consider, like losing 5 million of the labor pool to a war of conquest (either drafted or gone into exile). Our economy has been #1 in the world for several decades now. I don't know why you would want to denigrate the world-leading economy that feeds you. Yes, there have been times that our economy was humming along better than other times, but we were still the best economy in the entire world. You and Trump just like to whine when it serves your purposes.
a) With the obvious exception that one of the above has actually happened before. The Russian economy collapsed around 1990, partly due to sanctions, partly due to a major war (in Afghanistan), partly due to their leaders' incompetence (all three circumstances are now repeating themselves 34 years later). b) As a blind republican homer, you should accept blame for GWB's use of WMD as an excuse to invade Iraq, not ridicule a president you no doubt helped elect. GWB was your president. As an intelligent republican voter, I could not bring myself to vote for such an ignoramus. I think I wrote in a vote for McCain.
Probably not 50% but all kind of high ranking Ukranians have been declaring millions at customs while heading to other countries. The corruption in Ukraine is crazy.
Russia’s inflation hit 17% in 2022, was several months double digits at the start of the war (probably a result of people buying up all the foreign goods that were left on the shelves). They then got a reprieve from inflation in ‘23 as Chinese goods flooded in and some found ways to evade sanctions. So this would actually be their 2nd bout of high inflation. 7 or 8% probably isn’t a huge deal, but if it surges back into double digits or there are shortages of basic staples that could be a problem.
Ruble had a sharp drop last week. “The Russian rouble tumbled to a more than two-year low against the dollar on Friday after Washington imposed sanctions on a key bank facilitating Russia's gas exports to Europe and as Moscow's firing of a new hypersonic missile stoked geopolitical tensions”
You would think after more than 2 years of predicting doom, you all would at the very least just hold off on the prognosticating and allow to happen what you believe will happen. To each their own, but you can only double down on a prediction so many times before you were just wrong. Trump could actually do more material damage to the Russian economy by simply drill baby drill. Your sanctions aren't getting it done and your war is on its last legs. Time to let the delusions go and chalk this one up as "I was duped by neocon propaganda over and over." It'll be okay. Happens to the best of us.
Russian generals determine that they can come up with their own propaganda campaigns and claim victory in battles, but Moscow realizes that it does not like that kind of propaganda, and sacks one of the generals. More incompetence from the Russian military. Russian general who faked victories ‘sacked by Putin’
You're one of the neocons! You are literally a republican homer! You really need to work on your apology skills--they suck big-time.
Everyone knew that sanctions would not win the war overnight. Most people were predicting 2-3 years for the sanctions to be effective, and that was before republicans in the House committed treason and stopped support for Ukraine for a few months. I figure that act alone allows the window to be pushed out another year to 3-4 years for sanctions to work.
News you can use … Sanctions to kick in any decade now. Russia deploying 10,000 troops from New Guinea. Putin has been diagnosed with eighth form of cancer.
speaking of being duped “Trump Oil and Gas Donors Don’t Really Want To Drill Baby Drill” “Many of the tycoons who backed the Republican’s victorious campaign say what they need help with is shoring up demand for their products—not pumping more fossil fuels, which they have little incentive to do. Our stocks will be absolutely crushed if we start growing our production the way Trump is talking about it,” said Bryan Sheffield, a Texas oilman who contributed more than $1 million to Trump’s latest campaign. “
You would think one could explain something so simple to voters. Sadly, they seem incapable of processing reality
Production will not climb until prices do. They aren't going to deplete inventory just to drive the price down.
They didn't learn the first time, so why would they learn the second time? An article I read a while ago said that middle-class Americans' purchasing power decreased due to tariffs during Trump's first term, and are expected to decrease even more during his second term. But the billionaires will be just fine.