That ref sat there and watched him score a touchdown and then threw a flag for some shit that was supposed to happen at the line of scrimmage. How blatantly obvious bullshit can you call?
Looks like somebody is straight paid to keep Alabama out of the playoffs or at least to cover a spread. I mean they're getting killed and they look terrible already but that call was unbelievable.
Do you know how many decades I have waited to see the Gumps finally get jobbed by refs? It is so delightful.
Is Mal Moore still alive? If he is hope he or his successor fires deBoer and hires a brain dead stooge like Mike Dubose or Price or someone worse. That is the natural order of things.
Man this week’s SEC shorts is gonna be a hoot. More guys getting tossed out of the Playoff tree house!
It’s not the first imaginary penalty to be called in a Bama game, it’s just the first one against them. I’m down with that trend!