Look at the replay again. The would be tackler was changing the direct of his contact. Sanders us up in the air a couple of feet off the ground. The tackler could of drilled Sanders in the chest or the gut. His change in trajectory was at the feet or the ground. I edited my post at 10:43 AM today (Sunday). Thanks to the people who called me out on this item. It was late when I reviewed the videos on the replays of a few games. Also, I guess I had one to many glasses of wine. I know see that I had clicked onto the wrong video. I admit to my errora and I am more than okey at being corrected.
Nope... that defender was 10000% going to the knees of Sanders and he jumped at the last second to not be crippled for life.
Just an observation. A particular poster named after a large lake in Florida has been unusually quiet today!