a point to consider: calling people that empirically aren't n**** greatly diminishes what n**** actually did.
Was it incorrect that I had inferred that there were two tests of prohibited expression here; vulgarity or insulting a protected class? Or is MAGA now a protected class?
Seems like this is an interesting point on a thread about RFK Jr. being appointed to Trump's cabinet, though. Isn't it newsworthy that an incoming cabinet secretary has utilized that language in regards to the person who just appointed him? Seems to fit under the exception put together in that post (something new and noteworthy in regards to Trump, the now incoming President).
I think he's a bad choice, but I can't disagree with this proposal of his: https://www.cato.org/blog/kennedy-says-cut-subsidies-farmers-junk-food
Well if RFK is confirmed, maybe he can take lapado with him and save the state and UF the continued embarrassment as well as a few $$.
Same with Communists. Same with Socialists. Same with Marxists. In fact it is the group targeted that bothers you not how it diminishes anything. Change my mind.
The propaganda has so many following 1960s science. It is frustrating and sad. RFK is far more up to date than most. Not saying I agree with all his positions. But he actually thinks like scientist/doctor that is good at their job…
Dr. Ladapo has been the definition of what Medicine actually is and how to apply it to public health. Take off our political bias. It will benefit your health!
LOL! There is a reason your 3 doctors almost certainly would follow the guidance of Ladapo and the vast majority of doctors today and not the fools at the cdc. Ladapo was way ahead of the curve…
Thanks for the laugh. You're clueless as to those three docs. They think the guy is a total embarrassment to the profession and one of them is a trumpster. Not everyone is drinking the Kool aid. I think I will follow the advice of medical professionals I know and trust including my PC physician instead of a political appointment and an "internet partisan". Adios.
As I said…The odds say they are following the guidance of Ladapo over the fools at the cdc. Maybe you see the few that do not. Add to it medicine is not simple and the answer for one person is not the same as it is for another. Hopefully your doctors understand this…
Which is why you need to remind people of it at the earliest possible signs, so that it can never happen again.
Agreed. He is one of the largest spreaders of misinformation in the history of GC. My oldest niece has her masters in epidemiology, worked for the CDC for several years and now for an insurance company. At first she laughed at the posts and then she got angry.
Sorry, but Democrats and the left have literally been trying to fund more research and regulations on food safety for decades. Conservatives and Republicans have consistently been against this, saying the "market will decide" if a food is worth selling or not. Why is it *now* that conservatives seem to want the government to look into food safety? And why are they pretending that no one has ever thought to do this before?
Part of the reason childhood diseases have increased is because they literally continue to make up new diseases.