Alaska was and is so close to ending top 4 ranked choice voting and going to closed primaries. Unfortunately, the no vote to repeal has overtaken the yes vote. It looks like Alaska will be staying with their election system unless there is a last-minute surge of yes votes not yet counted. The republicans took back the US House seat even with this voting system. I would have thought that after 4 years Alaskans would have had a change of heart on their election system, but the majority in a slim form seems to be content. The US House final numbers may be up in the air for quite some time: CA 13: The republican incumbent leads by 351 votes, 50.1% to 49.9%. CA 45: The democrat challenger leads by 397 votes, 50.1% to 49.9%. The US House is currently 220-213 republican. The new congress will be sworn in on January 3 so hopefully both seats will have a winner before then. Nationally, the only thing we're waiting on is the final size of the republican majority.
Have you Republicans decided yet whether the results of this election are real, and if you'll accept them? Or gonna wait on the outcomes before you decide if the elections were valid? Please let me know ASAP, so I can get out of town if peaceful Republican tourists are visiting again. Tx!
One would think by now, even with such slim margins in the two CA house races, that there are not enough votes remaining to tip either of those outcomes. If there are truly still enough outstanding votes to tip either of those, what a broken system. We've been saying it, but it is completely unacceptable. The IRS processes tax returns faster than this.
Looks like Trump will end up with just under 50% of the popular vote with a 1.7% margin over Kamala Harris. Not exactly a mandate. Edit: To the poster who disagreed. Do you doubt the accuracy of the numbers or do you think that a 1.6% margin really is enough for a mandate?
It's a mandate. This was his 3rd time running. He's as known a quantity as it gets. 91 felony indictments and we said "that's our guy." It's a mandate if there ever was one. It's the largest GOP largest electoral vote win in 36 years. And he wins back the Senate and keeps the House.
A 1.6% margin with a total under 50% in the popular vote does not constitute a mandate. Although his EC total was smaller George W. Bush had a larger margin in the popular vote than did Trump and the Republicans had larger margins in the Senate and House than they did following the recent election (55 Senate seats compared with 53, 232 House seats compared with around 220). Bush thought that gave him a mandate to completely revamp social security. Bush and the Republicans found out that wasn't the case when they lost both the House and the Senate two years later.
Doesn't really matter anyway does it? Trump is going to be a dictator, right? Dictators don't need no stinkin' mandate.
Republicans would have as many as 15 extra House seats if the 2020 Census hadn't been botched. Trump would have gotten ~320 electoral votes this year
Take away NY City and LA and the popular vote is pretty close. Compare the number of counties Trump has carried VS those carried by Democrats. Normal Americans don't want to be governed by LA and NYC. They're mentally ill jurisdictions. People in blue urban areas lose touch with reality. Common sense goes out the window. Trust the people of the land.
I agree that it's not a mandate. I don't agree that Democrats would not be calling the exact same results in reverse a mandate. Let's all remember our definitions of what a "mandate" is when the wheel comes back around.
I think it is you who has lost his moorings. Dirt don’t vote. People do. Yeah, right. Let’s just subtract voters that vote for the other candidate. I’m in favor of removing the voters in FL instead. We all know Florida Man is a whack job.
Not easy to put a precise number on it, but Biden's 2020 win seems like a pretty good comparison to me. Biden got just over 51% of the popular vote in 2020 (doing slightly better than Trump did in 2024). With respect to the Electoral College, Trump received 6 more EC votes in 2024 than Biden received in 2020. That's also a pretty small difference. Perhaps I am am mistaken, but I do not recall Democratic leaders touting Biden's 2020 win as a landslide sort of election. I won't even bother addressing how Republican leaders characterized the 2020 election.
I fail to understand the bias so many have against people who live in cities. Its like the residents dont count and we should toss the votes and needs of citizens who like cities or must live there due to work. I live in Bug Tussle NC because i choose to but NYC is one of the world’s great cities - a global center of finance, art, music, culture, and education. None of those things exists here in Bug Tussle but i like the mountains and the wild places and the wild things so i live here. Later this spring i will travel to NYC to visit grands, see some plays (no musicals this time and i mean it), go to the world class Natural History Museum, see what’s at the Whitney and sample some cuisine from some far flung country prepared by a native. Can’t wait.
I don't have a bias unless they move down here and try and change things to how they were in New York City. Most places are not even close to living in NY City and what works there is not going to work many other places.