1M+ Russians who will no doubt start an insurgency. Ukraine doesn't need that and, IMO, this is the only realistic way forward.
I'm not saying this will happen, but do you really think that if Ukraine had to fight their way into Crimea and clear it, there would still be 1M Russians left there afterwards? I seem to recall there were at least that many German people living in East Prussia in 1945 when the Russians began their assault. How many Germans do you think live in Kaliningrad Oblast today?
That kind of scenario would have to involve some sort of military and/or political collapse among the Russians, major military mutinies, revolution at home, cats and dogs living together, that sort of thing. Does not appear to be in the cards at this time. A year from now, if the war continues that long, who knows?
I agree with this. Not just with respect to Gabbard either. We all need to remember how easy it is to say stuff during a campaign when you aren’t in charge and you don’t have the same information the guy in charge has. I remember how Obama campaigned on immediately closing GITMO. Said to myself at the time, “No, he won’t.” And he didn’t even make significant moves in that direction for seven years.
On the left and on the right, yes. There’s the world we want and the world the way it is. And the two don’t match.
Kim Jong Un, the Dear Leader of North Korea, expresses his thoughts on Donald Trump (the "Dear Leader" of the U.S.), sending a message to Trump to "Screw Off". Trump is going to have to do some major groveling to Kim to have a good seat at the dictator conventions. Maybe when Trump arrests democrats, he can trade them to North Korea for ping pong paddles and get back in his good graces. It seems like it is not easy for Trump to kiss up to dictators now that he's old and senile. Trump hasn't even taken office yet, and he's being humiliated left and right by his buddies. "Who knew foreign policy could be so difficult?" North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Tells Trump to Screw Off
Eric Trump now writes Donald's love letters to foreign leaders, and in them, he lectures them to "show more respect" for the Don. But he does it in such a mentally-defective way that foreign leaders don't take it seriously. Eric is lobbying his parents to let him stay up later and watch the rest of The Godfather for other things to say to world leaders.
Nonsense. You are thinking in fantasyland. Why do you think Western Ukraine had no problem shelling Donbass neighborhoods before Russia rolled in. They know that area is more pro-Russia. At our urging they overplayed their hands and now Donbass will be gone for the foreseeable future.
An updated article that highlights why Russia cannot afford to win or lose this war. Their best hope is to become "entirely dependent" on China. Ouch. They're writing checks that their body can't cash. Inflation is at 7.4%, which is nearly double the target rate. The labor shortage is up to 5 million workers, causing higher wages, which help feed inflation. Russia's infrastructure is becoming more and more broken, with few workers available to work on the problems. Social unrest is increasing. The Brits are expecting more degradation of Russia's economy. Russia's economy is so driven by the war in Ukraine that it cannot afford to either win or lose, economist says
Weren't we above that here just a couple years ago and you were telling us how great our economy was?