I note with interest there wasn't much diversity on those slave cruise ships bringing all those slaves vacationers to their plantations BNBs in America.
How weighted is it? What are the different standards for minorities? Do you know them? They must be really different to support your claim:
Excellent post, thank you. Honest Q and feel free to PM if you'd rather not respond here - to what degree do you feel free/safe to share this sentiment openly at your institution?
Pffft! Holy shit. You went for it? Your wife voted for Kamala and is feeding you this line to massage your ego.
How thoughtful. I appreciate you checking on us, Bluke. We’ve definitely had some ups and downs. We still don’t really have insurance money and aren’t back into our house yet, but we are finally making some forward progress. The kitchen is coming along. Our goal is to be back in the house by Christmas. Hopefully that isn’t too optimistic.
I appreciate that davis, and yours is a perceptive question. I don’t feel super comfortable sharing this sentiment openly. I may probe this topic in one on one conversations, but little chance I would voice such views in a faculty meeting. How are you feeling at your place?
...she also infiltrated MAGA camps and attended multiple rallies in full MAGA gear.... ....oh he things we do for love...
UF's tuition for OOS is like 20k/year.. LSU's, is like 7.5, for perspective. ....and college Ed. has traditionally NEVER been something ppl scrimp on. Avoiding mentally ill libbie indoctrination OTOH, is simply priceless. (...especially if you're a Jew, and weighing sending your brilliant kid to [X = woke Hamas loving /Jewish hating U] vs a Florida school, where we don't foster gender bendy bullshit of "yay! Hamas! Screw the Jews" policies).
wow. So much nonsense. First UF OOS tuition is almost $30k SAME AS LSU. That right there tells us how knowledgeable you are on college value and decisions. Great students are mostly going to great schools and the right wing faux culture war on colleges doesn’t play into their decisions.
OK, 'no one' was an overstatement. Not many people are buying it. It appears that DEI is on the way out. Y'all gonna have to rename your efforts to treat people by race.
What there’s like one dude in here who didn’t do college. He’s killing it without all the debt and wasted time sitting in class with the libbie profs. Your snark is getting ridiculous. I wasted a lot of time and money sitting in the libbie filled classrooms. There’s more than one way.