Wow, you’re better than this. Way to take it to extremes. Although there are a lot of assholes who claim to be handicapped who aren’t. …like to see Trump crack down on these frauds.
We agree, we're just using different words to describe the same thing......special treatment for special groups. The only difference is you think it's acceptable to treat people by race, etc., and I don't.
Lol....that literally fits every criteria he used for the definition. Not my fault he is struggling to define the concept, not that he is alone in that regard
Wow. You just don't get it. Social injustice occurs because people are treated differently based on race, 'etc'. bizarro world.
I do get it. You think it's OK to treat people by race. A lot of people throughout history have felt the same way.
E.g.--resident commie cries vic for being called "commie", and gets special treatment, since the commie can't defend his commie beliefs based on what communism actually entails.
Luckily, Trump and his MAGA clan won’t heed this garbage as the book’s “plan” calls for learning how to use the Department of Education, not eliminate it. Better read Trump’s fav Mein Kampf…
Seems to be just something to say. That's why no one seems to be coming up with actual examples, only their heartfelt belief that bad stuff is going on.
Gatorade gave you an honest answer but here you are digging in trying to start something. You already know what the deal is.
You don't think UF, the medical school in particular, gives preferential treatment to minorities? They crow about promoting diversity all the time. Some schools have even published their race based standards. That's one of the problems with affirmative action, DEI, etc......the organizations announce their efforts but then want to play like they don't give preferential treatment. No one is buying it.
Where did I say that? My god. You never disappoint. Does social injustice exist? I will not engage further until you answer.
How do you propose changing whatever you want to change without classifying and treating people by race? How would you even know who to help or if your efforts were successful?
Sure. It's all mere coinkidinky. ....and the costs...cheaper to send kids out of state to Florida schools, than in state, in theirs. Copy that.
Check the pricing. Florida schools are some of the cheapest schools on the Country. We are lucky with that. Here’s some quick google support: Tuition & Fees - State University System of Florida
It's frustrating that some people reduce the entire concept of social injustice and systemic inequities to affirmative action, viewing it solely through the lens of white grievance.