You went to UF but you don’t seem like Woke Marxist Leninist Communist Patriot Hating Libby. Did you flunk Indoctrination 101?
I wonder if they’re going to talk about all the extra spending in the new book or exactly what they were doing to induce students to attend… or how markers of excellence like gpa and test scores are dropping… hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm They have like 700 students. The Florida sus has like 430,000 students so…. This is really a silly issue and just culture war clickbait.
I used to run around with the libbies. Somehow managed to graduate and start paying taxes and ….Poof!! I’m a conservative.
He tried. Your post makes absolutely no sense. Of course a pub leaning president would get run off from this libbie place.
If I saw this 25 years ago, I would have never moved back here. Republicans have been in charge that long and this is the result: Florida SAT scores rank 47th — and still dropping | Commentary.
he was run out by a DeSantis donor.. the chairman of the board of trustees is one of the biggest DeSantis supporters out there. Just fyi fwiw.
You forgot to explain how UF pushes ‘white privileged is bad.’ Is that a required course or something?
I’m not disagreeing. It is diverse, it was diverse when I was there, and should continue to be diverse. Diversity is important in a university environment.
This will be my first one. (I friggin HATE graduations, but I will be there pretending to be having fun). Meanwhile, is your son still in target to graduate December? If so, I will probably see you there!!! (I will be the guy with a plastered smile) And congrats!!!
They ruined that school. People loved it. Yes, it was a LIBERAL arts school, but Duhsatan wanted to show power over a libbie school to get rid of "woke". Another positive word made negative by the maga republicans. It's not like it was covert in what it taught. People chose to go there because it was a liberal arts college.
Yes sir, will be there...just look for a tall old guy, grey hair and beard. Congrats to you guys also!!
Childish. You can't define 'woke' but you have allowed yourself to be conditioned to respond to the mere utterance. Willfully.